Hangman Games by Member : Ksenia

Short Description of Ksenia
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Country: Poland
Description: Γεια σας/Cześć! My name is Ksenia, I'm 25. I'm a student of Conservation Works of Art from Warsaw. I was in Athens for 5 months with Erasmus students exchange and it was wonderfull time! I can speak Greek a litlle but I would like to know it much better. I really love this language and I don`t want to forget it. My level of english is good so we can easily communicate in it. If you could teach me greek and tell me more about the country, it's customs etc. it would be great. If i can help you in learning Polish, and tell you something about Poland and its culture it will be a pleasure for me! Τα λεμε or in Polish Do zobaczenia!:)

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You say it to the person whom you more than like
_ _ch _ _   c _ _

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Polish Popular Expressions Emotions December 8, 2006
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