Hangman Games by Member : vaitarni
Short Description of vaitarni | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
vaitarni's newest games:
Total found: 15 !1 2
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Title of Game | Language | Type | Category | Last Edited | Rating |
je suis mort du faim Hindi expression _huk _ _ _ _um ni _a _ _ _ _a _ai. |
Hindi | Popular Expressions | Food / Drink |
January 14, 2008 |
4.3 6 votes view |
je suis mort du faim (Hindi expression) _huk _ _ _ _um ni _a _ _ _ _a _ai. |
Hindi | Popular Expressions | Food / Drink |
January 14, 2008 |
0 1 votes view |
c'est bon (Hindi expression) 1.a _ _ _ha _a _ _t _ _ _ _. 2. a _ _ _ha _ _ _.
4 related games: view
Hindi | Popular Expressions | Making Love / Sex |
January 14, 2008 |
4 1 votes view |
a la prochaine (en Hindi) 1. _ _i _ _i _ _e _ai _. 2. _ _i _ _i _e _ _ _
5 related games: view
Hindi | Popular Expressions | Coming and Going |
January 14, 2008 |
4.3 3 votes view |
how are you? Hindi expression _ _a _ _a _ _ _aa _ _a _?
5 related games: view
Hindi | Popular Expressions | Emotions |
January 14, 2008 |
3.9 13 votes view |
combien il coute en Hindi 1. _ _ _n _ _ _ _ai 2. _ _ _s _ _iy _
2 related games: view
Hindi | Popular Expressions | Stores / Shopping |
January 14, 2008 |
n/a 0 votes view |
je sens le parfum en Hindi _ _us _ _ _ _ad _ _ _ _c _i _ _i
2 related games: view
Hindi | Popular Expressions | Body / Health / Senses |
January 14, 2008 |
5 2 votes view |
je suis faim _e _ me _ _uh _ _u _ ra _ _ _a _n.
12 related games: view
Hindi | Popular Expressions | Food / Drink |
January 14, 2008 |
0 1 votes view |
book-worm _it _b _ _ee _ _ |
Hindi | Popular Expressions | People |
January 1, 2008 |
4.3 6 votes view |
book-worm _ad _a _ _ |
Hindi | Popular Expressions | People |
January 1, 2008 |
n/a 0 votes view |
1 2
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