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Formal way of saying Thank you in Korean
Kamsahamnida / Komapseumnida
1. Formal way - Kamsahamnida
2. Informal yet polite way - Kumayo
3. Informal way - Kumawo
here are some other words of thank you in Korean Formal way - Kamsahamnida Less Formal - Komapsuemnida Informal way - Kumawo Informal yet polite way - Kumayo *here's a tip for those who really wants to learn korean easily* -when you see a word that ends in (-yo) its in a polit way.. -when you see a word that ends in (-imnikka) its a more formal way.. -when you see a word that ends in (-imnida) its a formal way.. -and if you see a word that ends without -yo or -imnida it's the original word or a present word..

Korean > Popular Expressions > Emotions

Game Summary Statistics
Average Rating 3.7
# of votes 89
# of Garbage Votes 12
# of Garbage Votes by native speakers 1

Individual Ratings and Comments

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Total found: 89 !
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Reviewer Comments
Jordan M.
Rating: 5 January 18, 2017
Instead of "Kamsahamnida / Komapseumnida", in English we say "thank you"
Nathasha S.
Rating: 5 January 1, 2017
Instead of "Kamsahamnida / Komapseumnida", in Spanish we say "Gracias, Muchas gracias"
(native speaker)
Rating: 0 November 15, 2016
Instead of "Kamsahamnida / Komapseumnida", in we say "what the hell is the second one????"
Rating: 5 July 11, 2016
Instead of "Kamsahamnida / Komapseumnida", in Spanish we say "gracias"
Delaney B.
Rating: 5 May 8, 2016
I was laughing hehe I nearly got it only one letter left
Instead of "Kamsahamnida / Komapseumnida", in English we say "Thank you"
Rating: 4 April 30, 2016
Stephanie V.
Rating: 0 January 3, 2016
Instead of "Kamsahamnida / Komapseumnida", in Spanish we say "Gracias"
lauren k.
Rating: 5 November 4, 2015
Instead of "Kamsahamnida / Komapseumnida", in Igbo (Ibo) we say "imèèla"
Penélope N.
Rating: 5 September 13, 2015
really good, thank you so much! Muchas gracias amigo :)
Instead of "Kamsahamnida / Komapseumnida", in Spanish we say "Gracias"
Sarah j.
Rating: 5 July 10, 2015
Instead of "Kamsahamnida / Komapseumnida", in Arabic, other we say "choukran"
Total found: 89 !
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