Hangman Game Feedback

Ne vas pas vite
il faut mieux tard que jamais
1. patience, patience
2. vitesse égale danger
3. finallement tout le monde arrive à la destination
trop de vitesse nous empêche d'arriver à l'heure

French > Proverbs > Coming and Going

Game Summary Statistics
Average Rating 0.7
# of votes 4
# of Garbage Votes 3
# of Garbage Votes by native speakers 1

Individual Ratings and Comments

This list may differ from the summary statistics above because only approved ratings are shown.

Reviewer Comments
Sofia A.
Rating: 3 June 11, 2016
Instead of "il faut mieux tard que jamais", in Spanish we say "mejor tarde que nunca"
sylvain m.
(native speaker)
Rating: 0 June 3, 2011
on dit plutôt
"mieux vaut tard que jamais"
janaina g.
Rating: 0 February 12, 2009
Instead of "il faut mieux tard que jamais", in Portuguese we say "antes tarde do que nunca"
Paul W.
Rating: 0 October 8, 2008
Instead of "il faut mieux tard que jamais", in English we say "Better late than never."

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