Hangman Game Feedback

cherta zay mara?
pa safar zam musafar kigam:(
1. going some where
2. coming back
3. going out of the original country
1. Bal zai ta tlal la khpal hewad sakha
going out of the original country Bal zai ta tlal la khpal hewad sakha

Pushto (Pashto) > - Others - > Holidays / Travel

Game Summary Statistics
Average Rating 4
# of votes 2
# of Garbage Votes 0
# of Garbage Votes by native speakers 0

Individual Ratings and Comments

This list may differ from the summary statistics above because only approved ratings are shown.

Reviewer Comments
(native speaker)
Rating: 5 June 14, 2010
deer khkolai grani pashtani jani nor ham create ka..manana grani
Instead of "pa safar zam musafar kigam:(", in Pushto (Pashto) we say "birtha razam grani"
Jalal K.
(native speaker)
Rating: 3 March 17, 2010
za peera ji da hmm osho...noora :)
Instead of "pa safar zam musafar kigam:(", in Pushto (Pashto) we say "mara da day zaai na chay wraak sham :)"

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