Hangman Game Feedback

Most common phrase used among American teens and young adults.
I am so bored.
1. It's a type of feeling.
2. It's said all the time.
3. It's stated on all of the social sites at least once a day.
1. Dull
2. That's so lame
3. Boring
Teens and young adult say this all the time in America.I even catch myself saying this phrase and I still haven't figured out why we say it so much. Oh well, congrats if you figured it out :).

English > Popular Expressions > - Other -

Game Summary Statistics
Average Rating 3.6
# of votes 5
# of Garbage Votes 0
# of Garbage Votes by native speakers 0

Individual Ratings and Comments

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Reviewer Comments
Tomohiro S.
Rating: 4 July 22, 2014
i made a mistake twice...
its soooooo frustrating lol
Instead of "I am so bored.", in Japanese we say "めっちゃひまー"
Rating: 3 October 22, 2013
Instead of "I am so bored.", in French we say "Je m'ennuie tellement"
José Antonio
Rating: 5 December 7, 2012
Funny. To me, it's curious that so many people say that in America. Thanks for sharing.
Instead of "I am so bored.", in Spanish we say "Qué aburrimiento"
Lidia J.
Rating: 3 September 30, 2012
Instead of "I am so bored.", in Spanish we say "Estoy muy aburrida."
Rating: 3 August 25, 2012
Instead of "I am so bored.", in Spanish we say "estoy más aburrida que una mona"

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