Hangman Game Feedback

When you want to see your friend you say:
I miss you
1. I wanna see you

English > Popular Expressions > Emotions

Game Summary Statistics
Average Rating 3.3
# of votes 6
# of Garbage Votes 1
# of Garbage Votes by native speakers 0

Individual Ratings and Comments

This list may differ from the summary statistics above because only approved ratings are shown.

Reviewer Comments
Raul A.
Rating: 0 May 27, 2013
Hello :)
Instead of "I miss you", in Spanish we say "Te extraño"
Sharon L.
Rating: 4 February 5, 2013
Instead of "I miss you", in Spanish we say "Te extraño"
damon j.
Rating: 5 January 27, 2013
Instead of "I miss you", in Korean we say "나는 너가 그립다."
Tiwoo K.
Rating: 3 January 23, 2013
so so
Instead of "I miss you", in Korean we say "나는 네가 보고싶다. or 나는 네가 그립다."
Nguyen T.
Rating: 5 October 5, 2012
Instead of "I miss you", in Vietnamese we say "Anh nhớ em (em nhớ anh)"
Celine W.
Rating: 3 September 13, 2012
Instead of "I miss you", in Chinese, Mandarin we say "我想念你"

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