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A proverb in irish about languages
Tír gan teanga, tír gan anam
1. A proverb most commonly used in ireland
2. Language
It's a famous saying from the irish patriot Pádraig Mac Piarais. It is a huge part of our irish history and one of the most commonly used proverbs in Ireland. It was part of his speech moments before he was executed, fighting for our indepence from British rule, one hundred years ago.

Gaelic (Irish) > Proverbs > - Other -

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Average Rating 2
# of votes 2
# of Garbage Votes 1
# of Garbage Votes by native speakers 0

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Reviewer Comments
Rating: 0 February 20, 2023
Instead of "Tír gan teanga, tír gan anam", in French we say "Un pays sans langue est un pays sans âme"
Fer Adad
Rating: 4 June 20, 2016
Instead of "Tír gan teanga, tír gan anam", in Spanish we say "Un país sin lengua, es un país sin alma"

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