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Learner Name: Ika
Learning Language Korean
City, State or Province Tangerang, Banten
Country Indonesia
Wants Lessons
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Description my proficiency level is beginner, I'm learning Korean language is because I'm interested with Korean language and it can be a skill for me to find a job, i want to learn all about Korean language, grammar, conversation, writing, 2-3 months, I'm looking a Korean person that can teach me Korean language fluently.

Learner Name: Fenella
Learning Language Korean
City, State or Province Jakarta, Jakarta
Country Indonesia
Wants Lessons
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Online or Telephone
Description Proficiency - beginner
rea son for learning - language diversity
ar eas in particular for improvement - essentially everything
t ime dedicated - about 3 to 4 weeks

Learner Name: ichong
Learning Language Korean
City, State or Province Bandung, West Jawa
Country Indonesia
Wants Lessons
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Description Hi, my name is Icha. I want to learn Korean Language from begginer level, because i've accepted to one of university in Korea for the lesson we will use the Korean language itself. I need particular improvement on conversation, i will dedicate my time 3 times a week to my language lesson. I'm looking for teacher who has good profiency in Korean language, responsible, honest, smart and friendly.
Th ank you very much,hope i will meet my teacher soon.

Learner Name: Hepi
Learning Language Korean
City, State or Province Surabaya, Jawa Timur
Country Indonesia
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Description I want to learn korean language for beginner, to cummunicate with my company's customer.
I need somebody or any group that learn Korean in the evening, because I have to go to the office at morning.
I want a teacher who will able to be the native speaker. It will be good if she/he has a group to teach, so I can meet many friends.

Learner Name: devy
Learning Language Korean
City, State or Province west jakarta, jakarta
Country Indonesia
Wants Lessons
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Live, in person
Description i wish can learn much more foreign language n' it include korean..
i can' t even little korean. but i'm a quick learner.
i prefer confersation actually. i take this course just for spending my holiday

th ank you
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