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Learner Name:
Learning Language |
Gaelic (Scottish)
City, State or Province
Sarasota, Florida
Country |
United States |
Wants Lessons Delivered by |
Live, in person
Description |
I know some words and phrases so I am basically am starting from scratch. This is a dream of mine to learn the lanugage and be able to go over to Scotland and actually speak with people using it. I am aware that there are very few people who still speak it but I'd love to bring it back to life again. It is the lanugage of my ancestors. I hate to see it die out.
Learner Name:
Learning Language |
Gaelic (Scottish)
City, State or Province
Parkersburg, Iowa
Country |
United States |
Wants Lessons Delivered by |
Live, in person, Online or Telephone
Description |
My proficiency level is beginner. I love other cultures, so I decided to become a linguist. Since I love Scotland I wanted to learn Gaelic. Particular areas of improvment would be conversation (understandin g what the other person is saying.) I want my teacher to be able to connect with me. He or she needs to be kind and patient if I don't understand at first, and just fun to be around when we have lessons.
Learner Name:
Learning Language |
Gaelic (Scottish)
City, State or Province
Carrollton, Georgia
Country |
United States |
Wants Lessons Delivered by |
Online or Telephone
Description |
I am a beginner level....We just inherited some property in the Highlands and I can get a job over there for a few months a year but need to be able to speak Gaelic.. I will dedicate as much time thats needed to learn... I already have a PhD in Exercise Science so teaching myself to study isnt an issue.
Learner Name:
Learning Language |
Gaelic (Scottish)
City, State or Province
Goodlettsville, Tn.
Country |
United States |
Wants Lessons Delivered by |
Online or Telephone
Description |
To Those Who Teach Gaelic,
I wish to learn the native language of my grandfather.I find it to be a difficult but beautiful language. In the past I have tried the 'self-teachin g' courses on the computer. The results were dismal. It is extremely difficult to hear the proper pronunciation s and intonations of a language through a computer. At least that has been my personal experience. My level would be that of a beginner. I can devote about an hour a week to 'one on one' learning and I will continue to devote the four hours of practice throughout the week that I do now. I would need a teacher who is aquainted with working with older students, not children. Also, I would prefer someone who is light-hearted and easy to relate to. I do not work well with people who are strict disciplinaria n type teachers. Th ank you for your time and consideration .
Learner Name:
Learning Language |
Gaelic (Scottish)
City, State or Province
White Plains, New York
Country |
United States |
Wants Lessons Delivered by |
Live, in person
Description |
Proficiency level: BEGINNER
R eason for learning: I have always wanted to learn how ot speak scottish gaelic because I have roots in scotland and I loved hearing my cousins speak it. I also want to learn Scottish gaelic becuase I am applying for a scholarship in a high-school student ambassador program. In this programs I would be able to spend a month in scotland and experience the culture. By learning a language of that a country I am visiting I feel I will be able to immerse myself more in their culture and benifit from it and fully embrace it, even if the language is not spoken throughout the country.
L esson time: I am willing to dedicate 1.5 to two hours to my lanuage lessons once or twice a week
Quali ties in a teacher: I would like a teacher who has alot of patience and a good sense of humor. I would also like a person who likes to work with high-school level students.
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