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Teacher Name:
Jordi Cas
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September 17, 2013
Student Feedback:
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Self-study Lessons:
No self-study lessons
Language to teach: |
| Catalan | | English | | French | | Hindi | | Spanish |
City, state or province:
Delhi, Delhi
Country: |
India |
Lessons delivery: |
Telephone Email Video conferencing
Teaching approach: |
I follow the well known Mr. Gupta Parivar lessons. With around 30 lessons, the learning starts from basic reading of the alphabet, basic words for initial conversation, upto a conversation level, with most of the vocabulary and tenses required for an intermediate level. We are talking of around 500-800 words. Withi n the first 10 chapters any student will be able to have a basic conversation using present/past/ future tenses, read (and even write) texts in hindi and start having the real taste of this special language. |
Teacher Name:
kalai vani
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September 16, 2013
Student Feedback:
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Self-study Lessons:
No self-study lessons
Language to teach: |
City, state or province:
Thanjavur, Tamilnadu,indian
Country: |
India |
Lessons delivery: |
Teaching approach: |
Teacher Name:
ajay yadav
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September 15, 2013
Student Feedback:
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Self-study Lessons:
No self-study lessons
Language to teach: |
City, state or province:
new delhi, new delhi
Country: |
India |
Lessons delivery: |
Email Video conferencing
Teaching approach: |
1-Grammer-noun ,pronoun,verb etc. 2-conve rstion 3-read ing 4-writing |
Teacher Name:
Chandrani Chakraborty
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September 15, 2013
Student Feedback:
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Self-study Lessons:
No self-study lessons
Language to teach: |
City, state or province:
kolkata, West Bengal
Country: |
India |
Lessons delivery: |
Email Text chat
Teaching approach: |
Teacher Name:
aasuru kiran
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September 12, 2013
Student Feedback:
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Self-study Lessons:
No self-study lessons
Language to teach: |
City, state or province:
Tirupati, Andhrapradesh
Country: |
India |
Lessons delivery: |
Live in person Telephone Email Text chat Voice chat Video conferencing
Teaching approach: |
Teacher Name:
prasanna guru
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September 7, 2013
Student Feedback:
No student feedback
Self-study Lessons:
No self-study lessons
Language to teach: |
City, state or province:
vilupuram, tamilnadu
Country: |
India |
Lessons delivery: |
Email Voice chat
Teaching approach: |
it will discuss with learner |
Teacher Name:
hari priya
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September 7, 2013
Student Feedback:
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Self-study Lessons:
No self-study lessons
Language to teach: |
City, state or province:
kavali, andhra pradesh
Country: |
India |
Lessons delivery: |
Telephone Email Text chat
Teaching approach: |
after learn they know how taste this language |
Teacher Name:
Anita Karan
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September 5, 2013
Student Feedback:
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Self-study Lessons:
No self-study lessons
Language to teach: |
City, state or province:
Country: |
India |
Lessons delivery: |
Telephone Email Text chat Voice chat Video conferencing
Teaching approach: |
My simple way to teach and explain the lesson to the learner. |
Teacher Name:
Swapnil Deutsch
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September 5, 2013
Student Feedback:
No student feedback
Self-study Lessons:
No self-study lessons
Language to teach: |
City, state or province:
Thane, Maharashtra
Country: |
India |
Lessons delivery: |
Live in person
Teaching approach: |
Teacher Name:
Neelam Hindi Teacher
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September 5, 2013
Student Feedback:
No student feedback
Self-study Lessons:
No self-study lessons
Language to teach: |
City, state or province:
Gurgaon, Haryana
Country: |
India |
Lessons delivery: |
Live in person Telephone Email Text chat Voice chat Video conferencing
Teaching approach: |
Hindi Language Teaching: Ap proach towards teaching for Non-Hindi Speaking People: * I have been teaching Hindi as a foreign language in India for more than 33 years. ** My lessons are personalized with attention to particular objectives of each individual learner. As an educator, I employ accurate teaching methods necessary for learning grammatical structure, phonetics, conversation, reading, writing and comprehension . In my private tutoring sessions, I work closely with the learner and quickly determine areas needed for improvement in Hindi. ** I have developed my own individual-ba sed integrated linguistic approach. Each student is worked with on an individual basis and the teaching strategies are adapted to their specific needs and learning ability. Special attention is given to the personality of the student, individual cultural needs and lifestyle, depending considerably on the country of origin. Efficient language skills are imparted in an informal, easy manner to help maxi... |
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