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Teacher Name:
Gloria Spagnoli
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September 27, 2019
Student Feedback:
No student feedback
Self-study Lessons:
No self-study lessons
Language to teach: |
City, state or province:
Malaga, Andalucia
Country: |
Spain |
Lessons delivery: |
Video conferencing
Teaching approach: |
My classes are productive, but relaxed at the same time. You will be encouraged to speak from day one and guided with games and fun activities, to make sure you have a positive and light-hearted learning experience. During our classes, we will work through real-life conversations , and you will get the chance to see how words and grammar are used within each specific context.
S peaking will be at the core of our lessons: you will get the chance to speak from the very beginning and practice in a safe and stress-free environment.
You will be actively involved in your learning process, and you will be guided to discover the new words and grammar rules, so that your learning will feel every day more like a surprise.
My smile and positive attitude will always be there to support you any time you feel like giving up. I know, from my own personal experience, that learning a language as an adult can be quite challenging at times. However, I do also believe that everything can be achi... |
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