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Learner Name:
Learning Language |
City, State or Province
montreal, quebec
Country |
Canada |
Wants Lessons Delivered by |
Live, in person
Description |
I'm born in Montreal from a French Canadian father and a Romanian Mother. I recently got the acceptance for my mother's last name addition and I'm in the process of getting my Romanian citizenship. I didn't learn Romanian as a child and wish to speak it. I hope to be trilingual! So I'm a beginner, but I do understand a little since I heard it my whole life. I wish I could learn it in a small group to be more motivated and for monetary reasons too.
Learner Name:
Learning Language |
City, State or Province
Calgary, Alberta
Country |
Canada |
Wants Lessons Delivered by |
Live, in person
Description |
Proficiency Level: I really have no knowledge of the Japanese language. I am a big fan of anime, and have learned a few simple words through some of the shows.
Why you are learning your foreign language: To me the Japanese culture is very interesting, and I wish to go to Japan in my future, and would it be very helpful to know the language. It would also look good on my resgme when I go for a work interview, it's always good to know atleast two languages. If I have a second language on my resgme, it would be helpful to customers that don't speak english.
T he areas in which you feel you need particular improvement:
The areas tha I need improvement are, well pretty much everything. I don't know the dialect, grammar, or how to have a conversation in Japanese, and therefore I would like to learn the language.
How much time you want to dedicate to your language lessons: I would dedicate as much time as possible to learn, without interfering with my school work.
What qualities you are looking for in your lessons or in your teacher: I'm looking for a teacher who will take time to fully explain things to me if I don't understand, doesn't rush things, or put too much pressure on me. I am also looking for a teacher to, somehow, make the lesson fun and help me remember important things.
Learner Name:
Learning Language |
City, State or Province
Calgary, AB
Country |
Canada |
Wants Lessons Delivered by |
Live, in person
Description |
Beginner that would like to become much more proficient in conversationa l and written spanish. Would like to meet at least once a week for 2 hours or twice a week for 1 hour per meeting.
Learner Name:
Learning Language |
City, State or Province
Ottawa, Ontario
Country |
Canada |
Wants Lessons Delivered by |
Live, in person
Description |
Hello, I am a 21 year old who is looking for some excitement! I have decided I would like to move to Spain in September, and am very much a beginner in Spanish. I would like to be fairly fluent by the time I get there, and am willing to put in as much time and effort as needed to get to that level. I am looking for someone who is patient and as dedicated as I will be to learning Spanish.
Learner Name:
Learning Language |
City, State or Province
Knowlton, Quebec
Country |
Canada |
Wants Lessons Delivered by |
Live, in person
Description |
We are 6 people (3 couples) planning to move to Vietnam next Summer 2009 for a longer period of time.
We are looking for a native speaker who can teach us some basics of language and also gives us an inside look into the Vietnamese culture.
W e are beginners and meetings should be on a regular basis. Prefe rred location area: Eastern Townships, Brome, Knowlton or some other place we can arrange.
I t is well paid by company.
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