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Home > Learners > Chinese, Mandarin > Singapore

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Learner Name: ‚‚‰
Learning Language Chinese, Mandarin,
City, State or Province ‚“‚‰‚Ž‚‡‚‚‚‚’‚…, ‚“‚‰‚Ž‚‡‚‚‚‚’‚…
Country Singapore
Wants Lessons
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Live, in person
Description I would like to learn new language for my career.

Learner Name: nawarat
Learning Language Chinese, Mandarin
City, State or Province singapore, singapore
Country Singapore
Wants Lessons
Delivered by
Live, in person
Description -for career advancement
-ch inese grammar ,reading,spea king
-1-2hrs -any qaulity

Learner Name: Riccardo
Learning Language Chinese, Mandarin
City, State or Province Singapore, Singapore
Country Singapore
Wants Lessons
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Live, in person
Description I'm interesting in learning Chinese as a hobby and eventually to be able to understand better Chinese colture. I've been travelling and living in few different countries and I speak fluently french, spanish, portugueze and english in addition of my native language the italian.
I'm totally beginner and I'm thinking in taking 2 lessons per week of 1 hour each.

Learner Name: Athit
Learning Language Chinese, Mandarin,
City, State or Province singapore, singapore
Country Singapore
Wants Lessons
Delivered by
Live, in person
Description Personal interests, broaden career opportunities to work overseas

Learner Name: Olivier
Learning Language Chinese, Mandarin
City, State or Province Singapore, Singapore
Country Singapore
Wants Lessons
Delivered by
Live, in person
Description &#20320;&#2290 9;&#65292;

&#25105;&#2615 9;&#27861;&#22 269;&#20154;&# 65292;&#22312; &#20013;&#2226 9;&#21574;&#20 102;3&#24180;& #20102;&#12290 ;&#20027;&#352 01;&#22312;&#2 6477;&#24030;& #65292;&#27993 ;&#27743;&#304 65;&#12290;&#2 5105;&#24819;& #36827;&#27493 ;&#19968;&#199 79;&#25105;&#3 0340;&#26222;& #36890;&#35805 ;&#22240;&#200 26;&#25105;&#2 4863;&#35273;& #36825;&#20960 ;&#22825;&#223 12;&#26032;&#2 1152;&#22369;& #27809;&#26377 ;&#29992;&#122 90;

&#25105 ;&#26159;&#214 35;&#24180;11& #26376;&#20221 ;&#22312;&#260 32;&#21152;&#2 2369;&#21040;& #65292;&#25442 ;&#20102;&#240 37;&#20316;&#1 2290;&#29616;& #22312;&#27599 ;&#20010;&#263 76;&#20004;&#2 0010;&#26143;& #26399;&#22312 ;&#21360;&#242 30;&#20986;&#2 4046;(&#20570; &#39033;&#3044 6;)&#12290;&#2 5105;&#22312;& #26032;&#21152 ;&#22369;&#303 40;&#26102;&#2 0505;&#27604;& #36739;&#31354 ;&#25152;&#201 97;&#25105;&#2 0204;&#21487;& #20197;&#22810 ;&#20132;&#279 69;&#20132;&#2 7969;&#12290;
&#25105;&#2 4863;&#35273;& #25105;&#30340 ;&#21475;&#358 21;&#27809;&#2 6377;&#25105;& #30340;&#25171 ;&#23383;&#229 09;&#12290;
&#25105;&#202 04;&#21487;&#2 0197;&#27599;& #20010;&#26376 ;&#19978;&#358 38;&#20004;&#2 7425;&#65292;& #24590;&#20040 ;&#26679;&#653 11;

&#35874 ;&#35874;

& #26032;&#24180 ;&#24555;&#200 48;&#65281;
&#22885;&#210 33;&#32500;
Total found: 279 !
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Ang Mo Kio
Singapore (Singapore City)

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