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Teacher Name:
Christie Dong
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July 30, 2021
Student Feedback:
No student feedback
Self-study Lessons:
No self-study lessons
Language to teach: |
Chinese, Mandarin
City, state or province:
Beijing, Beijing
Country: |
China |
Lessons delivery: |
Live in person Video conferencing
Teaching approach: |
Teacher Name:
Julia Marsh
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April 13, 2021
Student Feedback:
No student feedback
Self-study Lessons:
No self-study lessons
Language to teach: |
Chinese, Mandarin
City, state or province:
Wuhan, Hubei
Country: |
China |
Lessons delivery: |
Video conferencing
Teaching approach: |
语音课:用电子琴教语调,辅助 手势等教学方法 汉字课:类 比英语表音文字特点教形声字, 加上简笔画,充分利用象形字的 直观性,加以创新字源 词汇 课:联系图像与肢体语言、词不 离句(讲授词汇时顺带一点基本 语法,点到即可,不喧宾夺主) 语法课:由浅入深,情境引 入,以旧带新,重点突出,练习 为主,演绎为辅 |
Teacher Name:
Huang xiaoyan
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March 8, 2021
Student Feedback:
No student feedback
Self-study Lessons:
No self-study lessons
Language to teach: |
Chinese, Mandarin
City, state or province:
Shi jia zhuang, Hebei province
Country: |
China |
Lessons delivery: |
Live in person Telephone Email Text chat Voice chat Video conferencing
Teaching approach: |
导入法:通过联系本课相关内容 ,选择导入的材料和话题。 演示法:PPT课件、动作展示 、图片、音乐、以及相关教学内 容的视频。 互动法:上课时 互动随时进行,小游戏和活动也 是有的。 |
Teacher Name:
Leila Xie
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February 23, 2021
Student Feedback:
No student feedback
Self-study Lessons:
No self-study lessons
Language to teach: |
Chinese, Mandarin
City, state or province:
Shanghai, Shanghai
Country: |
China |
Lessons delivery: |
Video conferencing
Teaching approach: |
Teacher Name:
wan jia
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January 11, 2021
Student Feedback:
No student feedback
Self-study Lessons:
No self-study lessons
Language to teach: |
Chinese, Mandarin
City, state or province:
shenzhen, guangdong
Country: |
China |
Lessons delivery: |
Live in person Telephone Email Text chat Voice chat Video conferencing
Teaching approach: |
Teacher Name:
Eve Ye
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October 2, 2020
Student Feedback:
No student feedback
Self-study Lessons:
No self-study lessons
Language to teach: |
Chinese, Mandarin
City, state or province:
Sichuan, Sichuan
Country: |
China |
Lessons delivery: |
Live in person Telephone Email Text chat Voice chat Video conferencing
Teaching approach: |
Teacher Name:
Sophia Yin
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September 18, 2020
Student Feedback:
No student feedback
Self-study Lessons:
No self-study lessons
Language to teach: |
Chinese, Mandarin
City, state or province:
Qingdao, Shandong
Country: |
China |
Lessons delivery: |
Telephone Video conferencing
Teaching approach: |
I love reading books. I can read Chinese books with you and explain the books for you.
The best way to learn is practice. I will spend more time to focus on the communication with you.
I have mamy students from different countries. I organise some online activities every month. So i can introduce you new friends and learn Chinese together. |
Teacher Name:
Stina Tung
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September 12, 2020
Student Feedback:
No student feedback
Self-study Lessons:
No self-study lessons
Language to teach: |
Chinese, Mandarin
City, state or province:
Beijing, Beijing
Country: |
China |
Lessons delivery: |
Telephone Email Text chat Voice chat Video conferencing
Teaching approach: |
For writing: to revise or polish your essays or other Chinese materials, or translate English into Chinese. For speaking: to correct your pronunciation and practice speaking together. Fo r calligraphy: to teach you Chinese handwriting in a quite efficient way. Please keep polite when we talk with each other. Thanks for reading! |
Teacher Name:
Alice Z
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September 11, 2020
Student Feedback:
No student feedback
Self-study Lessons:
No self-study lessons
Language to teach: |
Chinese, Mandarin
City, state or province:
Beijing, Beijing
Country: |
China |
Lessons delivery: |
Live in person Voice chat Video conferencing
Teaching approach: |
Teacher Name:
BaoWen Sun
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August 17, 2020
Student Feedback:
No student feedback
Self-study Lessons:
No self-study lessons
Language to teach: |
Chinese, Mandarin
City, state or province:
Beijing, Beijing
Country: |
China |
Lessons delivery: |
Telephone Email Text chat Voice chat Video conferencing
Teaching approach: |
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