Hangman Games by Member : Kayla

Short Description of Kayla
Native Language(s):
Practicinig Language(s):
- Other -
Country: Netherlands
Description: I'm a fourteen year old Dutch citizen who would be more than glad to be of help to anyone seeking a Dutch conversation. (In text or audio. I have a little bit of a hoarse voice though, so please be aware of that). I don't speak any other languages than Dutch and English. (My level of French and German are very low). I'm not a gold member so feel free to kik me!

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Kayla's most popular games:

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Title of Game Language Type Category Last Edited Rating
When you are mad/frustrated, you say...
_o _ _ _r _ _m _ _
Dutch Popular Expressions Insults / Swearing August 5, 2016
0 votes

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