Hangman Game Feedback
Title: | When you are mad/frustrated, you say...
Answer: | Godverdomme
Hints: | 1. What a Dutch person would say when stubbing their toe.
2. When you're angry because something just won't work. 3. If you translate it to English it is something English speaking people say a lot. |
Equivalents: | 1. Jezus! (Jesus)
2. Verdomme! (Damn!) 3. Kut! (Literally translates to cunt, but in this case you'd use it as English speaking people use 'Shit!' |
Explanation: | This is a very common word in the Netherlands to show you are annoyed/aggravated/mad and such. It would be translated as 'Damn it!'.
Dutch > Popular Expressions > Insults / Swearing |
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