Hangman Games by Member : Charlotte D.

Short Description of Charlotte D.
Native Language(s):
Practicinig Language(s):
Country: France
Description: Bonjour, je m'appelle Charlotte et j'ai 19 ans. Je suis étudiante et j'obtiens les meilleures notes en anglais, mais à présent je voudrais mettre mes connaissances en pratique. Je suis également intéressée par la musique celtique et irlandaise, le dessin, l'écriture, le cinéma etc... Hello, my name is Charlotte, I come from France and I'm 19-year-old. I'm a student and I would like to improve my english by practicing with natives! I would great if you could help me with this goal! But my FIRST aim is to learn you French, my native language, the beautiful language of love and Molière... Please contact me!

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Charlotte D.'s newest games:

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Title of Game Language Type Category Last Edited Rating
Le chemin le plus court...
_' _st   to _jour _   la   lig _ _   _roite   !
French Proverbs Holidays / Travel July 10, 2008
9 votes
When something happens two times already, you say...
_am _i _   _ _ux   _ _ _ _   tro _s   !
French Proverbs Coming and Going July 10, 2008
7 votes

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