1. lost, vanished, ran away, kidnapped, held by someone, ... 2. What is the WORDING on a poster when someone can not be found. 3. vermist in Dutch, ผู้สูญหาย in Thai, disparu(e)(s) in French
What are the words for MISSING in other languages, so more internationally missing people can be found. Thanx.
<b>English</b> - missing, disappeared (Thanks to anonymous for reminding us of this word), vanished, lost...
<b>French</b> - disparu (masc.), disparue (fem.), disparus (pl.)
<b>Spanish</b> - disaparecido (m.), disaparecida (f.), disaparecidos (m. + mixed pl.), disaparecidas (f. pl.)
<b>Portuguese</b> - desaparecido, ...desaparecer (verb)
went missing = dispareceu
<b>German</b> - vermisst/vermißt; verschollen (sing.); vermisste/vermißte; verschollene (pl.)
<b>Dutch</b> - vermist, verdwenen, vermiste (2 words-thanks Siegfried)
<b>Indonesian (Bahasa)</b> kehilangan (Thanks to anonymous)
<b>Italian</b> - scomparsa, scomparsi
<b>Lithuanian</b> - prapuole (Thanx Ausra)
<b>Vietnamese</b> - mất tích
<i>Slovak</i> - chýba (=be missing; word not confirmed, if you see a box, it should be a t with another flag to the right)