名字 | 国家 (城市) | 母 语 | 练习 语言 | 描述 |
I am from Iran, i am here for improving my English
I am from Baku Azerbaijan, I am procurement specialist in oil and gas company, I want to practise englishs and turkish language.
德语 |
波斯语(法尔西语,达里语,哈扎拉语) |
瑞士德语 |
阿塞拜疆语 |
Hallo..ich wohne seit Jahrzehnten in der Schweiz, aber meine Wurzeln liegen n Iran.
Ich spreche deutsche und Swissdeutsche Sprache in sehr gutem Niveau, sodass ich in der Lage bin diese wieterzugeben. Ich freue mich dich kennenzulernen. Ich bin Gold.....
波斯语(法尔西语,达里语,哈扎拉语) |
阿塞拜疆语 |
土耳其语 |
I'm 18 years old tin search to find some friends all over the world. I'll study abroad so I need to improve my English speaking a lot. And my hobbies are playing the piano, playing volleyball, games and anime.
波斯语(法尔西语,达里语,哈扎拉语) |
阿塞拜疆语 |
土耳其语 |
Hello, I'm Hossein 23 years old from Iran, I speak Persian, Azerbaijani as my native languages and Turkish fluently, I'm looking for a native English speaker for language trading, my English lvl is intermediate (I think), I'm really in.....
I live in Ukraine, but originally I'm from Azerbaijan. I am Christian - Protestant. I am married and have got two kids - a daughter (5 years old) and a son (almost three years old). Except 3 main language I mentioned, also know English... I like.....
波斯语(法尔西语,达里语,哈扎拉语) |
阿塞拜疆语 |
其他 |
I am occupied in healthcare and fond of studying and doing sports. Language is the basis of human considerations and communication. Without it societies would not survive. It's with the help of language that we can express our feeling and thoug.....
I lived in the USA for six years, during which I stayed in Nebraska and Michigan, and I also had the opportunity to visit several other states. During my time there, I immersed myself in American culture and improved my English, but I still need to p.....
波斯语(法尔西语,达里语,哈扎拉语) |
阿塞拜疆语 |
英语 |
I am a student in Saarbrücken and will spend some time in Perpignan as part of my project. I love practicing Muay Thai, playing the violin, hiking in nature, and traveling. I want to improve my German (and French) while helping others improve their E.....
My name is Konul.I am from Baku which is capital of Azerbaijan.I am an English teacher and I would like to learn Arabic and German languages, improve my English.I can teach the Azerbaijani, Russian, Turkish languages.
My name is Reza and I'd like to improve my English to communicate with all of people around the world as it's so essential these days and of course I'm willing to help and guide anyone who wishes to learn or practice Persian. I .....
I love British people and l want to improve my pronunciation.
Hi! I’m Zulfiyya, a 22-year-old from Azerbaijan. I’m here to improve my English and also find Korean speakers. I’m very new to the language—just know a few common phrases from watching K-dramas—but I’d love to learn more as a beginner. In exchange, I.....
I am Ali,Do you like Persian poetry? If your answer is yes so we can have long talks:) I like learning other languages and knowing more about other culture
I am not a gold member. :)
I can teach you Persian and Azari
Feel free ;) we can talk about.....
Hi! My job as a civil engineer is one I love with all my heart. My goal is to have a good time while also enhancing my English skills! I would be very grateful if you could assist me! Meanwhile, my Tel is Abdizadehh.
I like animations, films, music( especially alternative, indie, rock). My english level is B1-2 so i can chat in english if thats more easy for chatting and understanding each other. i wanna learn german for my studies and hopefully it will be helpf.....
Привет, меня зовут Хасан. Все мое образование — школа, бакалавриат, магистратура и PhD — было на английском языке. В настоящее время я работаю над улучшением своего разговорного русского и грамматики. Мой уровень русского — средний, и я хотел бы разв.....
İngilis dilimi təkmilləşdirmək istəyirəm,səyahə tlərdə və gündəlik həyatda sadə danışığı bilmək üçün