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Category > New Member

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Re:hi from France
Hello April and Jessica
my name is mohamed
I'm from algeria
I need your help to practice english
so can you help me or you don't do it
I'm waiting your respense
see you soon :) salam

Language pair: French; English
November 19, 2016

# Msgs: 4
Latest: November 19, 2016
how can I have a cantact of other member thanks
I'm english language student from algeria
I need friend to practicing english
I'm want know how can I have a contact of other member
to practice with them in video chat

so can you tell me please


Language pair: Arabic, other; English
November 19, 2016

# Msgs: 1

Practice Practice Practice - Hola, Oi, Comment ca va, Ciao
Hola, Oi, Comment ca va, Ciao,

I am would like to practice Espanol and Italino as most of you know if you don't practice, the language slowly disappears. I can help you with English grammar, sentence structure, and pronounciation!

All the best,


Language pair: English; 
Carmen A.
November 18, 2016

# Msgs: 1

Looking for new friends
Hello everyone around the world, I am Victor by name from Chicago USA 48 years of age,
i need PenPals friends from Czech Republic and Slovakia Pen Pals from Slovakia and all over the world
I am very family-oriented. I am a versatile person. I
adore nature and animals. I'm cheerful and sociable guy. I can say that I am a
very social, kind and cheerful person with a good sense of humor. I like to
laugh and to have fun! Besides, people who laugh, live longer. Though, on
the other hand I can be very serious. I am a reliable, responsible person.
I am open to anyone and I like to help them in any hard situations.

Ahoj všetci po celom svete, som Victor podľa mena zo Chicago USA 48 rokov,
potrebujem penpals priateľov z Českej republiky a Slovenska Kamarátov zo Slovenska az celého sveta
Som veľmi rodina-orientovaný. Som všestranný človek. ja
Zbožňujem prírodu a zvieratá. Som veselý a spoločenský človek. Môžem povedať, že som
veľmi spoločenský, láskavý a veselý človek s dobrým zmyslom pre humor. mám rád
smiať sa a bavte sa! Okrem toho ľudia, ktorí smiech, žijú dlhšie. Aj keď, na
Na druhej strane môžem byť veľmi závažné. Som spoľahlivá, zodpovedná osoba.
Som otvorený pre každého, a ja som rád, aby im pomohla v akýchkoľvek ťažkých situáciách. som
čestný a úprimný.

Language pair: English; Slovak
November 17, 2016

# Msgs: 1

Are you still interested :)

Language pair: Spanish; English
November 16, 2016

# Msgs: 4
Latest: November 27, 2016
Re:hi from France
hello April, I'm Lauren I live in England and will be moving to France this summer so would defiantly appreciate some help with my french.
I'd be happy to help you practise your English.

Best Wishes

Language pair: French; English
Lauren F.
November 16, 2016

# Msgs: 4
Latest: November 19, 2016
looking for friend and to learn spanish also catalan
Hello, I'm Justina, I'm 23. I love reading and traveling, meeting new people, learning about different cultures and making new
I am looking for someone to practice spanish with and I will help you with English

Language pair: English; Spanish
November 15, 2016

# Msgs: 1

looking for friend and to learn spanish also catalan
Hello, I'm Justina, I'm 23. I love reading and traveling, meeting new people, learning about different cultures and making new
I am looking for someone to practice spanish with and I will help you with English

Language pair: English; Spanish
November 15, 2016

# Msgs: 2
Latest: December 5, 2016
I'm excited!
Hi I'm Will and I keep learning Spanish on my own but it's no fun. I want to be so good at this that I can teach people too. Please teach me Spanish and I'll teach you English back. Lol. Thanks!

Language pair: English; Spanish
Will O.
November 15, 2016

# Msgs: 1

Hi my name is Shirley. I am a 26 year old South African lady. I would love to practice and improve my Svenska.
Love the outdoors and would love to travel and meet new people of different cultures. I have a fascination of learning and speaking other languages. Coming from a country of 11 official languages, Swedish would be the 6 language i would be learning. Look forward to learning more of your language and culture... :)

Language pair: English; 
November 13, 2016

# Msgs: 1

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