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Hi Kelli
Thank you for your answer. I would like to contact you and help you with Vietnamese but i dont know how. Do you have an email account? I look forward to hearing from you. Take care.

Language pair: English; French
February 16, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Learning Spanish will help with English

Is there anyone out there that would like to help me with my Spanish? I can help you out with English. Would like to talk with people from the Dominican Republic if that is possible. If not, thats okay too. I am not a gold member, so can't send email. I live in Canada and my name is Linda. It would be nice to meet someone that is between 35-55, but I am most happy to talk with anyone and welcome you all.

Language pair: English; 
February 15, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Just Contact Me
Hey,Wendy:Thanks for your reply first!I n fact,people now living in Taiwan speak approximately 4 language.(three ones are related to chineses;the other one is Aborigines'language)However,the language I discussed with you before means the same one spoken by you and me.I think that the biggest differences are our pronunciation and the words we use.(simplified or traditional)As for the language you thought before is Ming Nang.(Steven says correctly:Tai Wan Ua)Ming Nang is a dialect spoken by plenty of Taiwanese,inclusive of me.Thus,I can say traditional chinese and Ming Nang just like the condition that you can say Cantonese and Mandarin.>>>(Steven:Can you understand?:))
As for the relationship between Taiwan and China,I am very confused that I don't want to discuss here.Maybe you have your own opinion(Right!Taiwanese'ancestry all but comes from China),but I deny that"Taiwan belongs to China."After all,now our cultures differ a lot.Thus,as long as we all lead safe lives,the dispute is unnecessary.
(ps>Wendy:Can't I post my Msn?)

Good luck

Ter ching

Language pair: Chinese, other; English
Ter Ching C.
February 15, 2007

# Msgs: 7
Latest: February 15, 2007
Re:Re:Practice Mandarin, English and French, spanish,japanese

Wendy and anyone who can help I am fluent in spanish and english I have learned my 46 hiragana and working on the kanji and katakana.Hopefully I will know japanese and mandarin.so anyone needing help with spanish,english or just starting japanese like me I would be happy to help, ricocash (hotmai) hope to help.Hablo espanol tambien.

Language pair: Spanish; Chinese, Mandarin
rick r.
February 15, 2007

# Msgs: 9
Latest: November 25, 2010
Looking for penfriends/I am not a gold member
Hi, i'm a 23 years old vietnamese girl but i have been living in Germany when i was young. I would like to improve my English and French. It would be nice if you can help me. If you need help with German or Vietnamese i can help you because i speak this two languages fluently. Anyway, if you speak Spanish you can teach me Spanish too.I have started to learn this language since February. Hope to hear from you soon. Take care

Language pair: English; French
February 15, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: February 17, 2007
Re:Re:Re:Coucou d'australie/ hey from Australia :)
Hi Patricia!
I can talk with you in English or French if you want :-) but I think I speak English better than French.
I live in Poland ;-)
You can write to me, but at the moment I don't know how. I'm not a gold member :-/.
Sometimes I'm here in the Chat rooms.
See you

Language pair: French; English
February 15, 2007

# Msgs: 3
Latest: February 15, 2007
Re: Re: Coucou d'australie/ hey from Australia :)
Hi Alexandre.

That's great. I'm pretty open minded myself :)Oh and I looove talking too ;)
The only problem is that I'm not a gold member...
Any way to get around this?
Also, how many years of English have you learnt so far?
hope to hear from you soon.
A bientot,

Language pair: English; French
February 15, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Re:Re:Re:Re:Just Contact Me
hello!Ter Ching Chiu. thanks for your opinion. but i think you might get me wrong. so i have to clarify something here.

firstly, i have to say sorry that i mixed up Taiwanese and Min dialect.(ÒòΪ̨ÍåÓиö·½ÑÔ½ÐÃöÄÏÓï,ÎÒÖªµÀÃöÄÏÓïµÄ·¢ÒôÊǸúÆÕͨ»°ÊǺܲ»Í¬µÄ), i thought that Min dialect refered to Taiwanese. i made this mistake. but what i said to Laurence is just dialect, just the pronuciation. there are many dialects in China.take an simple example, Cantonese and Mandarin.

secondly, you are right. Mandarin Chinese is simplified and easier. that is why many foreigners prefer learning Mandarin Chinese, but not other dialects. that is why i said to Laurence it is much much better to learn pure Mandarin, but not dialects.

thirdly, i have to, as a Chinese , i have to correct one of your words. "Taiwan is a country next to China"??? please, Taiwan belongs to China. Taiwan is part of China. i do think you studied so much Chinese history. and you should 100% understand this iron-like truth.thank you for your understanding in advance.

take care


Language pair: Chinese, other; English
Wendy c.
February 14, 2007

# Msgs: 7
Latest: February 15, 2007
I'm an English speaker who's looking for someone to help her with Spanish. I'm a high school student. Talk to me! I'm not a gold member!

Language pair: English; 
February 14, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Re:Just contact me
Bonjour Lanrance,

Je suis Ingrid et viens de Shanghai.J'apprends francais maintenant.
Je pense que nous pouvons s'aider l'un l'autre.
Pls see my profile,you'll know how to contact me.



Language pair: Chinese, other; French
February 14, 2007

# Msgs: 7
Latest: February 15, 2007
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