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Category > Making Friends

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Re:Re:Happy New Year!!!
Merci beaucoup, Celine! Thank you for offering to help me!!!

Language pair: French; 
Bernicia O.
January 6, 2007

# Msgs: 4
Latest: January 11, 2007
Hola soy de Colombia y estoy interesada en aprender el ingles, pues es muy importante para mi desempeño profesional, si alguien necesita aprender español puede contactarme, Chao.

Language pair: Spanish; English
January 5, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: January 10, 2007
Neues Mitglied
Hey,bin neu hier suche Brieffreund/in, die oder der Englisch spricht (vielleicht aus Neuseeland?)

Language pair: German; French
January 5, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Re:Re:Aloha, searching for people who are living in Poland or Japan or ...
I want to learn Japanese too!

Language pair: Polish; Japanese
Ng D.
January 5, 2007

# Msgs: 3
Latest: January 5, 2007
Re:Aloha, searching for people who are living in Poland or Japan or ...
hi chris(^^)

if you are a gold member, you can PM to me
but if you are not you can't PM to me I guess.
I'm a regular member if that helps.

hello, Alexandra

I will help you to improve your Japanese^-^
I love manga(cartoon) too!
we can share that kinds of infomation.
I have been studying English now but my level is still low
I want you to teach me your English.

hello, Brittany

speak and learn many language is really great!(^^)
hope you'll improve my English.

if you are intersted in me or Japanese please mail me to

ls_nihongo AT(change "@") hotmail.co.jp


Language pair: Polish; Japanese
January 5, 2007

# Msgs: 3
Latest: January 5, 2007
Iparraldeko neskak
Kaixo neskak:
hegoaldeko mutil sanoak gara, kirolari pettoak, gure lurraldeko parapentista, eskalatzaile, mendi eskiatzaile eta surflaririk sutsuenak. Iparraldeko neskekin harremanetan jarri nahi dugu gure bidaietarako frantseza hobetzeko asmoz eta une politak izateko elkarrekin asteburuetan hurbil bizi garela aprobetxatuz. Hegoaldera etortzen bazarete guk jarriko dizuegu lo egiteko tokia, eta gu ere zuen gidariak izango gara lur polit honetako lekurik ederrenak erakusten. Animatu eta idatzi, jenderik sanoena eta majuena gara. Iñigo.

Language pair: Basque; 
January 2, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Iparraldeko neskak
kaixo lagunak;

Language pair: French; 
January 2, 2007

# Msgs: 1

If you like to practice Turkish...
Hi there, if you are in Istanbul, and would like to practice your Turkish(and if your native language is English), we can correspond...

Language pair: English; Turkish
January 1, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Happy New Year!!!
Bonjour! Greetings everyone! I'm just looking for french speakers who are interested it making a new friend...I can't speak french too well, but I try. I'm very good at english. Au revoir!

Language pair: English; French
Bernicia O.
January 1, 2007

# Msgs: 4
Latest: January 11, 2007
Let's make friends!

I'd like to wish everybody Happy New Year! Well, what could I say about me? I'm Ramona, 20 years old girl from Hungary. I love Italian music, my favourite Italian singer is Andrea Bocelli. But I also like Giorgia, Laura pausini, Adriano Celentano. I've been learning English for 12 years and Italian only for a few months. I'd like to practise them with native spekars but everybody is welcomed! So Be happy don't worry! Write me soon! Bye

Language pair: Hungarian; English
Ramona N.
December 31, 2006

# Msgs: 1

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