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Learn English, Teach French, Arabic, Chinese, Korean< German, etc
je suis lwasont. Je peut t'aider ameliorer ton anglais. En echange, tu m'ameliorerait mon Francais.Trouve-moi au MSN. Je crois que tu comprend. c'est bien.
I am lwasont.I can help u improve your English. You can help me get better in my French language too. I am not a Gold member. Though i have an MSN, i must not give u. Ouf, but you know my name. What are you waiting for? See you later.

Language pair: English; French
lwasont L.
December 4, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Hello Viginie Xx, Learn English, Teach French, Arabic,Chinese, Korea, German
Ca va Viginie,
je suis lwasont. Je peut t'aider ameliorer ton anglais. En echange, tu m'ameliorerait mon Francais.Trouve-moi au MSN. Je croir, tu comprend. c'est bien.
I am lwasont.I can help u improve your English. You can help me get better in my French language too. I am not a Gold member. Though i have an MSN, i must not give u. Ouf, but you know my name. What are you waiing for? See you later.

Language pair: French; English
lwasont L.
December 4, 2006

# Msgs: 7
Latest: December 4, 2006
To correspond in English and French !!
Salut !!
Je recherche un ou une correspondante pour échanger en Français ma langue natale et en Anglais celle que j'apprends. Je pourrai également aidé cette personne à apprendre le Français. A bientôt.Caly
I seek one corresponding to exchange in French my native language and English that which I learn. I will be able also helped this person to learn the French. So long. Caly

Language pair: French; English
Caly S.
December 3, 2006

# Msgs: 4
Latest: December 19, 2006
to Oliver Hsue
Hi! I'm a french girl, Véronique, and i would like to speak with you to improve my english. And to help you in french.
Are you ok?
I'm not a gold member.
Speak you soon!

Language pair: French; English
December 3, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Re:Re:hello everyone~ I am the girl which likes the special matter .
I can speak some English and a spot German ^_^

Language pair: Chinese, Mandarin; English
Cherry s.
December 2, 2006

# Msgs: 6
Latest: December 6, 2006
Re:Re:hello everyone~ I am the girl which likes the special matter .
Very happy make the friend with you ..I am not the gold member,therefore cannot send the mail..
We may converse in here..
If you may send the mail .please to send the mail to me.
Hoped we may become the friend

Language pair: Chinese, Mandarin; English
Cherry s.
December 2, 2006

# Msgs: 6
Latest: December 6, 2006
Re:Re:hello everyone~ I am the girl which likes the special matter .
Hi, Cherry
Very happy and you are the friend
I may teach you Chinese to hope we become the very good friend
China is a very good country hoped you like

Language pair: Chinese, Mandarin; English
Cherry s.
December 2, 2006

# Msgs: 6
Latest: December 6, 2006
Re:Re:hello everyone~ I am the girl which likes the special matter .
Hi, Cherry
Very happy and you are the friend
I may teach you Chinese to hope we become the very good friend
China is a very good country hoped you like

Language pair: Chinese, Mandarin; English
Cherry s.
December 2, 2006

# Msgs: 6
Latest: December 6, 2006
how can speak ease english?
i am alina, from romania and i need you for practice english.
please contact me.

Language pair: Romanian; English
alina a.
December 2, 2006

# Msgs: 2
Latest: December 2, 2006
Learn English, Teach French, Chinese, Arabic, Spanish, Others !!!
I understand English Language.I seek pals of different background from every country. The fact that my country is surrounded by french-speaking countries and i don't understand french always attracts me towards learning french language and culture.
I also like to meet the chinese, indians, koreans, germans, etc.please, contact me bcos i'm not a gold member.i have msn.
Mon pays est situe au milleu des pays francophonies. j'apprends un peu le francais. Maintenant, je cherche personne qui peut ameliorer mon francais. je souhaite de parler bien le francais. je peut t'aider ameliorer ton francais. je n'suis pas un membre en or.svp, contact-moi. J'ai un msn. mon nom

Language pair: English; French
lwasont L.
December 1, 2006

# Msgs: 1

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