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Re:Anyone need help with English?
hello! i'm from spain so i can help you with your spanish :D <sulibourne.hotm.com>

Language pair: Romanian; Spanish
November 11, 2006

# Msgs: 4
Latest: November 18, 2006
Si jeni? ------- Hi all
Te dashur miq nese keni deshire, mund te bisedojme bashke per cfare te deshironi ju. Kam shume deshire te njoh njerez te rinj dhe te bej miq te rinj. po ju pres

Dear friends, if you wish, we can talk together for whatever you like. I realy like to meet new people and make new friends.

Language pair: Albanian; English
Anduel B.
November 11, 2006

# Msgs: 2
Latest: December 12, 2007
Anyone need help with English?
Hola, mi nombre es Kristina. Soy una persona muy amistosa que está buscando a amigo para ayudarme con español. ¡Soy solamente un miembro regular, y todavía estoy esperando ayuda del soo....please de los email...!

Bună , numele meu este Kristina. I'm un foarte prietenesc persoană cine este el privire pentru un prieten la spre ajută-mă help cu Român. I'm numai cîteva regulat member , şi I'm liniştit aşteptare pentru poştă electronică. soo. te rog ajută-mă!

Language pair: Romanian; Spanish
Kristina H.
November 11, 2006

# Msgs: 4
Latest: November 18, 2006
Re:I'm searchinf for spanish, englsih and italien french!
bonjour melanie,

moi, je parle l'anglais et je cherche une personne qui peut m'aider ameliorer mon francais. je peut ameliorer ton anglais,
a bientot.

hi, i speak english and seek french speaker. i can help improve ur english if u wish,

Language pair: French; English
lwasont L.
November 10, 2006

# Msgs: 6
Latest: November 19, 2006
Re:Just looking for friends
bonjour Tanya,
desole. je n'peut pas t'aider i'apprendre la langue. mais, tu peut continuer a ameliorer la langue anglais. je peut essayer a le faire.
tu peux m'aider a parler bien le francais. j'ai toujour l'appris et l'oublie mais je suis determine a la parler. peut-etre, tu ou qelqu'un puex m'aider. merci beucoup pour m'aider

hi tanya,
it's a pity u have nobody to teach u croatian language but u can continue to improve ur english till u find one. i can try as much as i can i to help u do that. I have always learnt and forgotten french. i'm determined to understand the language. how can my country be surrounded by french-speaking countries and i will not understand it? maybe u or any other person on this website can help me. thanx your anticipated assistance

Language pair: French; 
lwasont L.
November 10, 2006

# Msgs: 2
Latest: November 10, 2006
Bonjour leila,
ca va? je peut t'aider de parler l'anglais.je suis interesse de parler les langues francaise et arabie. D'abord, je souhaite de parler bien le francais et puis, l'arabie.je n'suis pas un membre en or mais tu peux me contacter au msn.

hi, i'm interested in the two languages but i'ld like to speak french well first then english. u may wire me in msn since i'm not golden.

Language pair: French; English
lwasont L.
November 10, 2006

# Msgs: 2
Latest: November 10, 2006
Re:Hi Ricardo
Hey Shanna, thanks for your reply!

(ricardomaquina)... @.... h.o.t.m.a.i.l.c.o.m ... (MSN)

See ya.


Language pair: Portuguese; 
Ricardo P.
November 10, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Re:I`d like to make some friends from all over the world :)
Oh My God.
I din't know such coincidents happen in life. You are this Lee from Seoul i corresponded with in summer, aren't you?

Strange thing.

At least I know you're alive.
Greg (if you still remember me)

....Gosh, I'm gonna play a lottery....

Language pair: Polish; English
November 9, 2006

# Msgs: 6
Latest: November 9, 2006
Hi. I am seeking to learn Amharic(Ethiopian) and in exchange I can teach you better English. I am not a gold member though.

Language pair: Amharic (Ethiopian); English
Rachel R.
November 9, 2006

# Msgs: 2
Latest: November 9, 2006
Re:wanna improve english
Hi. My native language is English and I would very much like to learn Chinese so any questions you have I would be glad to help you with. You may ask a question and I will try to reply as soon as possible.

Language pair: Chinese, Mandarin; English
Rachel R.
November 9, 2006

# Msgs: 1

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