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Language > Finnish
Category > Making Friends

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Re:Re:Hei Soumi!!! @Alexandra
Terve- i needs your hep too!!!
Hei, i want to learn Finnish, its very important! and i can help you with your Italian (or german,if you want)! :-) please mail back. kiitos ja greetings ;-))


Language pair: German; Finnish
October 27, 2006

# Msgs: 2
Latest: October 27, 2006
Re:HY @ ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hello Tamara!
Do you know how much does it cost to send a letter to you from Finland? ;)
I would like to start writing to you. How old are you?

Hope to hear about you soon

Language pair: Finnish; English
October 25, 2006

# Msgs: 1

I hope to improved my English and make a friendship anywhere
I'm live in Hong Kong girl. I love traveling, love to know more different culture things and hope to improved my english.
We'd like to be make a friendship anywhere, I feel free welcome email me or MSN.

Language pair: English; Finnish
October 10, 2006

# Msgs: 1

hi Mitzuko!! =)
Hi Mitzuko!! I'm Uriel, I'm from Peru. I've seen one of messages and if you want, I can speak English with you and I can also teach you a new language...I could teach you Italian if you want... well see you

Language pair: Finnish; Italian
Uriel L.
October 3, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Moro kaikille , oon italialainen ja haluun tiedä uudet suomalaiset kaverit ! Niin läheta mulle viestia! En oo goldmember...

Language pair: Italian; Finnish
September 24, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Re:Hei Soumi!!!
how u say:hello,my name is bojan on finnish?

Language pair: German; Finnish
bojan p.
July 30, 2006

# Msgs: 2
Latest: October 27, 2006
help me out i wanna learn how to speak Finnish i can teach english
hey people! help me out plz! i really wanna learn how to speak finnish! i dont know nothing exp. Rakastan sinua lol i think :p
well help me out and ill give you my msn or if you just wanna talk im here :p

Language pair: English; Finnish
Stephanie V.
July 14, 2006

# Msgs: 1

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