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Re:Anyone knows
hi iam donia what do you call interresting books. do you like adventure ,horror,knight. what are you interrested by? i amfrench ,and i am found of french litterature. i'll be really glad to advice you. but you must be more specific. ne t'inquiete surtout pas en france il ya d'excellent auteur quelque soit ton type de litterature. don't worry ,there are excellent french author in every kind of litterature!!
Language pair: French; Spanish
January 24, 2007
# Msgs: 1
Re:i am not a gold member
Hi,Nadia! I am from Japan,but in Montreal now.I'm learning French and also interested in Romanian.My Freanch and Romanian are both completely beginner level.I just thought taht we could share some information if we have any here in Montreal.(I haven't got any yet though..)
Language pair: Romanian; French
December 19, 2006
# Msgs: 3
Latest: July 21, 2009
Re:Re:Re:Re:i am not a gold member
Bonjoru! I want to learn french and i'm from Romania. I'm not a gold member either, so i don't know how we can help each other out. Hope to hear from you :).
Language pair: French; Romanian
October 25, 2006
# Msgs: 3
Latest: July 21, 2009
Re:hi !
Bon jour, Charlotte,
Was that Daphne Du Maurier's Rebecca you read, or a different story with the same title?
I have been using books to learn foreign language for some years now, and I find the best way to hang onto them is not to try to learn them all at once. When I read through a book the first time, I underline all the words I don't understand, but I just try to figure them out from context and from how the words look while I'm reading.
Then I go back every so often and look up only those words that I need to look up in order to understand what is happening in the story.
Finally, I take only the words I looked up that will be useful to me in conversation and I make flash cards out of them. I carry them with me for a week and I use them in sentences when I talk to people. If I can use a word in conversation two or three times a day for a week, I usually get to keep the word.
bon chance!
Language pair: French; English
Mark S.
August 19, 2006
# Msgs: 1
Re:Thrillers are good but how about comedy???
I loved "The Princess Bride" by William Goldman. The movie they made out of is was great, but the books was, of course, better.
I've never had the pleasure of enjoying it in Voltaire's original French, but I loved "Candide".
We could probably do better if you'd like to tell us more about your sense of humor. Comedy is always so hard to pick for other people. Especially when you don't know them.
Language pair: English; French
Mark S.
July 24, 2006
# Msgs: 1
J'aime beaucoup Hugo, Baudelaire et Rimbaud. Quoique les 2 derniers sont nettement plus compliqués que le 1er. Je pense qu'on peut lire certains poèmes de Rimbaud comme on peut lire un philosophe sans avoir aucune notion de philosophie. Donc, on y comprend rien. Sinon, en philosophie, je suis en train de lire un livre de Luc Ferry, donc philosophe français actuel, qui explique justement aux jeunes, ce qu'est la philosophie, et c'est très bien fait.
Language pair: French; English
July 24, 2006
# Msgs: 1
just like Agatha Christie!
hi there everybody! just a few lines to suggest you all to read some Agatha Christie's book...she surely doesn't need to be introduced and I've read most of her novels, and i think she's superb! I'm looking for something else to read, thrilling and with a great sense of suspence but with no blood descriptions.
can you advise me anything?
Language pair: English; French
July 18, 2006
# Msgs: 1
Vivre c'est Lire Lire c'est Vivre!
Salut la! j'aime trop lire et bien j'aimrai avoir les amis cultives qui aime lire aussi :) a plus
Language pair: Chinese, Mandarin; French
fanfan b.
July 16, 2006
# Msgs: 1
Has anybody read the MAHABHARATHA?
I once read the Mahabharatha, one of India great stories and I invite you to look for that book and read it. You will see how magical and instructive is the book. But i'll be glad to discuss with somebody who has also read it.
Language pair: French; English
December 21, 2005
# Msgs: 1
Français & Español: voice chat
Bonjour! ¡Hola! Hejsan!
Dear Friends! I’m a young lad in my 30-s, optimistic and with sense of humor. If you are native FRENCH or SPANISH speakers and want to communicate live in voice chat, I’d be more than happy to make your acquaintance. In return I can offer you Russian & Swedish.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you.
Let’s talk!
Language pair: Spanish; French
December 17, 2005
# Msgs: 1