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Category > Making Friends

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trip to US
Hi, I'm Richard, from Shanghai, China. I'll visit USA in this coming May. From May 7 to 11 in Las vegas, 12 to 20 in New York. Hope to have a guide in those two places if possible. Pls contact me if interest. Thanks.
(Male, 27, Chinese, single - not marriage ad.)

Language pair: English; 
Richard L.
April 25, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Message for Vixxen
I want to help you improve your French skills, and I don't mean French Kiss... Drop me a line if interested at, boite *O *lettres at hot mail, 'cause I am not a gold member, you can also leave a message on the bulletin board.
PS: replace " *" by "_" to get my email.

Talk to you soon,

Language pair: French; English
April 25, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Can help you to learn Thai
Hello everyone
I would like to improve my English. I can help you to learn Thai

Language pair: English; 
Sitthisak k.
April 25, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Looking for Partners from Toronto
Looking for a Spanish partner in exchange I can teach French, please drop me a line if interested at, boite * O * lettres at hot mail, because I am not a gold member. We can meet any time if you want to practice. PS: replace "*" by the "_".

talk to you soon,

Language pair: French; English
April 20, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Hi everybody!!!
I am 27 years old and i would like to learn gaelic. Perhaps anybody could help me

Language pair: English; German
April 18, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Re:Re:To learn the Fijian language
Can you teach me Fijian,please.

Language pair: English; Fijian
Alyssa B.
April 16, 2006

# Msgs: 2
Latest: April 16, 2006
Re:Re:To learn the Fijian language
Can you teach me Fijian,please.

Language pair: English; Fijian
Alyssa B.
April 16, 2006

# Msgs: 2
Latest: April 16, 2006
Israel artist search for friends from CHINA, UK or USA (English)
Shalom! My name is Natali Lipin and I'm Israel artist. In my pictures I show the beautiful sides of our world! I search for nice young man (pen pal)from CHINA, UK or USA (age 33-49), that is interested in culture exchange, ENGLISH Language practice and has SIMILAR INTERESTS with me: The life, The cities, Art – Artists, pictures, architectures, Calligraphy writing, photographs, Nature – views, mountains, Animals – Tigers, Panda, Birds - Parrots (Macaw), Tropical Birds, Animal-Reservation programs, Plants – Gardens, flowers, Tropical Rain forest, books... Waiting to hear from you! Natali

Language pair: English; Hebrew
April 16, 2006

# Msgs: 2
Latest: August 13, 2007
Re:hey ya
Nice to meet you here. I am Chinese, 24, female. My hobby is cooking, reading, and so on. If we can help each other, I will try my best to teach you Mandarin. I wish u help me to improve my oral English.
BR/ Emma Geng

Language pair: English; Chinese, Mandarin
Emma G.
April 15, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Looking for friends
Hi I am 30 yo Japanese female living in Japan and interested in language exchange and making friends. Will go to Australia the end of this year, would especially like to make friends from there actually! I like movies, music, cafes. If you are interested please drop me a line!

Language pair: English; Japanese
April 15, 2006

# Msgs: 1

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