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Language > Italian
Category > Seeking Partners

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Seeking partners IT,GER,POR (Message on English,Italian, and German)
I'm Cristian i live in México, i speak Spanish and English as mother languages, i am in an intership on a law firm, i'm interested in a partner who speaks Italian,German or Portuguese as a native/mother language. In exchange i will help you learn English and Spanish.
if you are interested reply to this message and i will get in touch with you right away.

Sono Cristian vivo in Messico , parlo spagnolo e inglese come lingue madre , io sono in uno stage in uno studio legale , io sono interessato a un partner che parla italiano, tedesco o portoghese come lingua / madre nativa . In cambio io vi aiuterà a imparare l'inglese e lo spagnolo.
se siete interessati risposta a questo messaggio e mi metterò in contatto con voi subito.

Ich bin Cristian ich lebe in Mexiko, ich spreche Spanisch und Englisch als Muttersprachen , ich bin in einem Praktikum auf einer Anwaltskanzlei , ich interessiere mich für einen Partner, der spricht Italienisch , Deutsch oder Portugiesisch als Mutter / Muttersprache . Im Gegenzug werde ich Ihnen helfen, Englisch und Spanisch zu lernen.
Wenn Sie interessiert sind, antworten , und ich werde mit Ihnen in Verbindung sofort.

Language pair: Italian; German
Lic Cris
September 28, 2015

# Msgs: 1

Seeking partners IT,GER,POR (Message on English,Italian, and German)
I'm Cristian i live in México, i speak Spanish and English as mother languages, i am in an intership on a law firm, i'm interested in a partner who speaks Italian,German or Portuguese as a native/mother language. In exchange i will help you learn English and Spanish.
if you are interested reply to this message and i will get in touch with you right away.

Sono Cristian vivo in Messico , parlo spagnolo e inglese come lingue madre , io sono in uno stage in uno studio legale , io sono interessato a un partner che parla italiano, tedesco o portoghese come lingua / madre nativa . In cambio io vi aiuterà a imparare l'inglese e lo spagnolo.
se siete interessati risposta a questo messaggio e mi metterò in contatto con voi subito.

Ich bin Cristian ich lebe in Mexiko, ich spreche Spanisch und Englisch als Muttersprachen , ich bin in einem Praktikum auf einer Anwaltskanzlei , ich interessiere mich für einen Partner, der spricht Italienisch , Deutsch oder Portugiesisch als Mutter / Muttersprache . Im Gegenzug werde ich Ihnen helfen, Englisch und Spanisch zu lernen.
Wenn Sie interessiert sind, antworten , und ich werde mit Ihnen in Verbindung sofort.

Language pair: Italian; German
Lic Cris
September 28, 2015

# Msgs: 1

Looking to learn Italian in exchange for English
Hello, I'm Sarah and I am a native English speaker currently living in Manchester. I have completed my Master's degree in Creative Writing and have a high level of understanding the English language. I would love to learn Italian - I am a beginner but a fast learner! Please do get in touch

Ciao, sono Sarah e io sono un madrelingua inglese che attualmente vivono a Manchester . Ho completato laurea del mio Maestro in scrittura creativa e hanno un alto livello di comprensione della lingua inglese . Mi piacerebbe imparare l'italiano - io sono un principiante , ma uno studente veloce ! Si prega di fare entrare in contatto

Language pair: English; Italian
September 24, 2015

# Msgs: 2
Latest: September 29, 2015
Looking to learn Italian in exchange for English
Hello, I'm Sarah and I am a native English speaker currently living in Manchester. I have completed my Master's degree in Creative Writing and have a high level of understanding the English language. I would love to learn Italian - I am a beginner but a fast learner! Please do get in touch

Ciao, sono Sarah e io sono un madrelingua inglese che attualmente vivono a Manchester . Ho completato laurea del mio Maestro in scrittura creativa e hanno un alto livello di comprensione della lingua inglese . Mi piacerebbe imparare l'italiano - io sono un principiante , ma uno studente veloce ! Si prega di fare entrare in contatto

Language pair: Italian; 
September 24, 2015

# Msgs: 1

Aiuto! looking for a japanese penpal
Ciao a tutti! My name is Simone and I am italian.
I am looking for a japanese native speaker to exchange our languages!
(I am starting from scratch so please be patient) =(
I really can't wait to meet you! (see description on my profile)
A presto!

Language pair: Italian; Japanese
Simone V.
September 8, 2015

# Msgs: 1

English speaker and a tagalog native
Hi there!
i am jhanna i want to learn korean and italian, and i can teach you tagalog and english as well

Language pair: Korean; Italian
September 5, 2015

# Msgs: 1

Ciao a tutti!
I'm Simone from Italy! I've always been bewitched by japanese! So if there's someone interested in italian i'd really love to exchange our languages and culture. =) I'M NOT A GOLD MEMBER =( so... Please contact me! A presto!!

Language pair: Italian; Japanese
Simone V.
August 16, 2015

# Msgs: 1

Re:Italian/French Exchange
Hi Cristina Pini ,I am interested , I can help you to learn french and you help me to improve my english or learn italian

Language pair: Italian; French
August 15, 2015

# Msgs: 2
Latest: August 15, 2015
German speaking partners
Hello. My name is Ida. I'm looking for german speaking persons.
In exchange I can offer italian and english. I have interests in books, films, sports, countries and cultures. So we could exchange opinions in the desired language to learn.

Language pair: Italian; English
August 12, 2015

# Msgs: 1

Italian/English Exchange

I am fluent in English and would like to practice my Italian. I have studied it for four years and have lived in Rome for a couple months, but I do not get to practice often while in the U.S.

I am a 24-year-old female studying law and hope to live in Italia someday. Please message me to chat, grazie mille :)

Language pair: English; Italian
August 10, 2015

# Msgs: 2
Latest: November 2, 2015
Total found: 1148 !
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