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For those who seek to speak Armenian!
I hadn't checked my account for a long time, now I see I received a few messages I cannot reply to. Please write here to be in touch and see how we can practice some Armenian!

Language pair: Armenian; 
August 21, 2021

# Msgs: 1

Привет! Я прекрасно пишу, говорю и читаю по-русски. Буду рада общаться с носителем немецкого, Hoch Deutsch, если ему необходимо знание русского. В свою очередь ожидаю помощи в изучении немецкого.

Hi! Meine Muttersprache ist Russisch. Ich helfe beim Lernen Russisch. Ich möchte sprechen und schreiben Hoch Deutsch.

Language pair: Russian; German
Iren V.
August 21, 2021

# Msgs: 1

Re:I'm Japanese, and I learn English. Please follow me.
I like to be your friend.
I am a man of 50 years old from Nigeria.
Can we be friends?

Best Regards.

Language pair: Japanese; English
Omorodion O.
August 19, 2021

# Msgs: 5
Latest: January 26, 2022
Native İngilizce seeking to learn Türkçe
Please message me if you’d like to exchange English / Turkish languages. Would like a regular buddy to chat frequently with to help learn the Turkish language.

Language pair: English; Turkish
K K.
July 31, 2021

# Msgs: 2
Latest: September 10, 2021
Re:Je cherche aux correspondantes francophone pour améliorer ma français
Hi Oliver
I am a french man who live in the south of France. I am fond of literature and sciences. I am reading a book which the tittle is "a travel with a donkey" writting by Robert Louis Stevenson. A wonderful book.
Best regards

Language pair: English; French
Laurent B.
July 26, 2021

# Msgs: 4
Latest: August 28, 2022
Re: Want to learn Swahili with my toddler
Hi, Shanelle,

not many Malawians have Swahili as their maternal language. The Chewa language is a maternal language for many more Malawians than Swahili is, although Swahili has far more speakers throughout eastern Africa than Chewa has. (Chewa can also be called Chichewa, since “chi-” is a noun prefix in Chewa that is used with languages.) Are you certain that you would like to teach your daughter Swahili as a way to connect with the culture of Malawi?

Language pair: English; French
July 24, 2021

# Msgs: 2
Latest: July 24, 2021
Seeking for a Japanese penpal!


I'm a 15 year old teen (15) looking for a Japanese penpal around my age in Japan to train with. In return, I'd love to teach you die schöne, deutsche Sprache! (love teaching ^w^)
I think the language and culture is so fun to explore and speak of the "land of the rising sun"! ;)

Besides training, snail mail packages are welcome too - I ADORE making gifts!!
(Have family round the globe, is kinda my hobby *LOL* *BLUSH*)

Waiting for you!

My profile:

Language pair: German; Japanese
Noura A.
July 24, 2021

# Msgs: 1

Re:I'm looking for an exchange between English-Spanish
Are you still looking for a language exchange? I am norteamericano and speak English very well, and have been a teacher. I am learning Spanish. Please let me know. Hasta pronto!

Language pair: Spanish; English
Rennie M.
July 23, 2021

# Msgs: 4
Latest: October 29, 2021
Norteamericano seeks Mexicanos for Language Exchange
I speak Spanish at the Beginner-Intermediate level (A2/B1). I'm looking for a Mexican resident for a good language exchange. Please check my profile for details. I have lived in CDMX and GTO: my interest is sincere and serious.

If you speak some English and are serious about learning more, please contact me. And please be careful with Covid! Let's get started.

Hasta pronto!

Language pair: English; Spanish
Rennie M.
July 23, 2021

# Msgs: 1

Potrzebuje pomocy w nauce języka Rosyjskiego
Cześć, chciałem nauczyć się rozmawiać w języku rosyjkim, mogę w zamian pomóc Ci w polskim lub poprostu miło spędzieć czas na rozmowie.

Language pair: Russian; Polish
July 22, 2021

# Msgs: 1

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