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Re:are you coming to bulgaria this summer?visit me then!
Hi Maggie my name is Isabel, I am 18 years-old almost 19. I am planning to go to Bulgaria in about 2 years, and I am learning Bulgarian but not have anybody to practice with, I would love if you could help me prace Bulgarian. Please contact me :) Thank you
Language pair: Bulgarian; English
Isabel P.
March 23, 2005
# Msgs: 1
Howdy Denton
Nice to here you enjoy the the midsummer, in swedish "midsommar", but you probably already knew that.. The best area to celebrate this event is definately the county of Dalarna about 250 km NE of Stockholm around the lake Siljan. Camping grounds around Leksand, Rattvik or Mora are probably the best places.There you will experience the most intense and traditional celebrations. If you´re lucky it doesn´t rain..
Good luck /David
Language pair: English; Swedish
March 16, 2005
# Msgs: 1
Anyone in Xi'an now?
im in xi'an China,and i'd like to guide you if you are here touring ,hee hee,and we can practise english ^_^
Language pair: Chinese, Mandarin; English
March 10, 2005
# Msgs: 1
You want to visit Varna in Bulgaria?
Ciao ! Come stai? Va bene? So anche l'altre cose in italiano... I am Bulgarian girl who lives in beautiful seaboard town Varna in Bulgaria, a town very much visited by foreigners, especially in spring and summer. I know well Italian and English, I feel pleasure to comunicate, especially in Italian language and keep and develop it. So, if you want to get in contact , would be very nice! Also can arrange for you accomodation during your stay in private appartments and rooms in very good prices.
Language pair: Italian; English
Kremena V.
March 10, 2005
# Msgs: 1
Re:Going to Japan
My Advice: get a guide book. PLan all the things you wantto see. Check the wb for some free guide pages, get all the information ahead of time. get a JR PAss for as many days as you can afford. Withthis you can use all of the Japan Railway Trains as much as you want, including the shinkansen. It is possible to take 500km day trips from Osaka and see most of the main part of Honshu, including Tokyo.
For places to stay, it depnds how long you will stay in Japan. Only going to stay a month or less? You could think about a guesthouse, or even some homestays. Check some other sites and leave some messages about homestay or short stay apartments. For one month in a guesthouse in Tokyo you could find it for about 70,000 yen. Seems expensive but so convenient. And you would meet other people.
Try to make some friends here. You can meet all kinds of young Japanese. they will be very helpful and kind and friendly. It is the best way to see the things that usual visitors dont see.
Also, if you have a drivers license, get an international drivers license, especially for a bike if you have one. Its crazy to ride a bike inthe city because the laws are so different, but its also a ton of fun, and once you get out into the country, its a blast. fi you do plan to ride, all the expressways are toll expressways, so its costly. the alternative is to take the local roads, but the speed limit is 30mph and they are always crowded. plan to use the train and bus if necessary, and only rent when you are expecting to go somewhere off thebeaten path or some fantastic roads in Gunma, Tochigi, Nagano, etc.
Good luck.
Language pair: English; Japanese
Okanagan V.
February 22, 2005
# Msgs: 1
Chicago R.
February 11, 2005
# Msgs: 1
Re:English in Provence?
I have been in Paris, having spent only a few months learning French. I found that if you try, show you respect the language, and can at least ask "can you speak English " (Parlez-vous Anglais?) and can count, they will help you out, and most stores and ALL museums have English speakers.
Language pair: Norwegian; English
Chicago R.
February 11, 2005
# Msgs: 1
Re:hey> I need advice 0:)
Hi Stephanie, I spent a week in Paris in 2003. It was beautiful! A wonderful city to walk around in. Although I wouldn't go there in August (if that's when you were planning on going) as most French people go on vacation and many hotels and restaurants are closed for the month. Bon voyage! Marlene
Language pair: English; All
January 27, 2005
# Msgs: 1
Re:Cultural exchange!
Hi I am Giorgio I am coming to shanghai and I need someone to assist me since I do not speak any chinese. I can exchange giveing italian language tutoring .
IPlease replay as soon as possible
Language pair: English; Chinese, Mandarin
giorgio p.
December 4, 2004
# Msgs: 1
Re:Invited All
¡Hola, Mario! Qué bueno que tengas tanta ilusión y tantas ganas de aprender todas las lenguas europeas. Para eso necesitarías, digamos, 700 años. O sea que tengas esperanza de superar a Metusalén en cuanto a la longevidad. Y todavía hecharías de menos los griegos, los romanos, los escolásticos y los filósofos orientales en sus lengas maternas. En mi opinión estarías servido de una manera insuperable con el inglés, el francés, el alemán, el español y el italián. Yo te puedo enseñar el serbio o el croato, pero para la filosofía no sirve mucho. Nuestros filósofos eran unos kantinianos y hegelianos temerarios de modo que mejor lea a los originales. Por supuesto, no olvidemos que nuestros filósofos fueron los autores intelectuales del fracasado estado comunista y después de la guerra civil en la ya difunta Yugoslavia. También puedo ayudarte a perfeccionar el alemán, pero te advierto de que se vuelvas loco antes de leer las primeras cien paginas sea de Kant o de Hegel. No vale la pena sin una introducción cuidadosa ni comentarios á priori. Yo creo que los filósofos serbios y croatas nunca llegaron a entener a los clásicos alemanes, lo que dio lugar a una filosofía perversa y una sociedad sin cimientos reales.
Language pair: English; Spanish
Aleksandar D.
December 3, 2004
# Msgs: 1