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Language > English
Category > Culture/History/Ethnology

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Please Help:)
I've read this particular phrase in the social network and couldn't understand the exact meaning. If anyone can help with the explanation ( translation would be just perfect), I will be very thankful.
"2014 reality: Being seated for lunch in a lavender gown is the new slinking to the witness stand in a veil. Lady Mary will go full Alexis in 3...2..."

Language pair: English; Russian
January 9, 2014

# Msgs: 2
Latest: September 8, 2015
Re:Preguntas sobre los remedios caseros en America Latina
Hola! Yo soy de México y tenemos varios remedios caseros para esos padecimientos.
1. Para el hipo, acostumbramos aguantar la respiración un par de segundos o tomar dos o tres tragos de agua, también sin respirar.

Para la fiebre se aconseja un te de canela, ya que te hace sudar.
Para la tos, puedes hacer una infusión con flor de bugambilia y miel de abeja, sabe un poco amargo pero es muy buena.
Para el cólico menstrual, puedes hacer una infusión de orégano o colocar una bolsa de agua caliente en la zona de los ovarios.
2. El mal de ojo es cuando alguien tiene algo en tu contra y quiere que te vaya mal, entonces se dice que puede "echarte el mal de ojo".
3. El ajo sirve para tratar las enfermedades del sistema circulatorio.

Espero que te sirva, saludos!

Language pair: Spanish; English
January 5, 2014

# Msgs: 3
Latest: January 5, 2014
Re:Re:want to learn arabic(saudi)
are you wanting to learn Arabic or are you wanting to help people with their Arabic?

Language pair: English; Arabic, Middle Eastern
Haylea C.
November 21, 2013

# Msgs: 2
Latest: November 21, 2013
korean language
hi.... im new in this site.... actually i have to finish up an assignment about korean language.. so im looking for someone that can tell me history of korean language and also a person that willing to teach me korean... by the way nice to know you... thank u so much.. annyeong...

Language pair: English; 
November 11, 2013

# Msgs: 1

Re:I'll trade you(:
I'm interested! I also would like to be Anthropologist :D

Language pair: English; Spanish
October 19, 2013

# Msgs: 4
Latest: October 19, 2013
someone like to know about egyptian and arabic culture and history
i am egyptian and i want to learn english well and to know the culture and history about english

Language pair: English; 
sarah223 s.
October 8, 2013

# Msgs: 1

Hi,guys, I hope somebody of you want to speak on language of Dostoyevski? I like history but I amnot boring man!)
I`m 14

Language pair: Russian; English
Max M.
July 10, 2013

# Msgs: 1

Re:I'll trade you(:
i 'm interested to be a fluent speaker in English and i'm also can learn you persian language.i'm from Iran.

Language pair: English; 
tebi s.
July 2, 2013

# Msgs: 4
Latest: October 19, 2013
Re:i can help you to improve your persian

Where do you come from?
I want to learn Tajik, is that close to Persian/farsi?


Language pair: English; Persian (Farsi, Dari, Hazaragi)
May 24, 2013

# Msgs: 2
Latest: May 24, 2013
Hi everybody, Do you want a friend from Brazil!? =D
Hi, My name is Fabio, I'm 21 years old. I'm from São Paulo-Brazil. I want to make new friends, practice my English and Spanish. I wound like to learn a little of Russian. I Can also help you if have interest to know something of Brazil.
I hope we can become friends. See you.

Language pair: English; Spanish
Fabio F.
April 6, 2013

# Msgs: 2
Latest: April 15, 2014
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