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Category > Music/Dance

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Re:Who likes EDM
hi everyone,i like listening to music very much,especially avril's ,is there anyone like her,we can make friends and talk about something interesting

Language pair: English; 
AJan L.
April 27, 2015

# Msgs: 2
Latest: April 27, 2015
Re:Looking for friends to practice language
i,m ready Sara i,m sapanish too and i could love it.

Language pair: Spanish; English
April 23, 2015

# Msgs: 3
Latest: April 23, 2015
Re:Looking for friends to practice language
hi , i´m spanish too and i´m student englesh for tres weeks only , but i know the language for the music.
i love thepop music of England and Eire U2 , COOLDPLAY DEPECHE MODE SUEDE and much more
i could practique the language with you
Are you ready ?

Language pair: Spanish; English
April 23, 2015

# Msgs: 3
Latest: April 23, 2015
Hey ;)
Hey! I'm a German Girl ☺️ I realy Love music from the 60's, 70's, 80's and now!! I am listening to a lot of music and great bands like the Beatles, foreigner aso.

Language pair: German; English
April 18, 2015

# Msgs: 5
Latest: December 14, 2016
Re:Foreign music
Hey, nice list of bands you have there! I really like Arctic Monkeys, too. Have you heard to the CHVRCHES cover of their song, "Do I Wanna Know"? Check it out if you still haven't. Anyways, try listening to the French band KYO. I especially like their song "Le Chemin." Cheers!

Language pair: English; 
April 12, 2015

# Msgs: 4
Latest: April 12, 2015
Re:Bands? Bands.
Based on your given bands, I would suggest the following: Taking Back Sunday (I recommend the following songs from them: Make Damn Sure, Your Own Disaster, There's No 'I' in Team), Anberlin (Retrace, Inevitable, Autobahn), LA Dispute (listen to the entire album "Somewhere at the Bottom of the River Between Vega and Altair"). Enjoy! :)

Language pair: English; 
April 12, 2015

# Msgs: 4
Latest: April 12, 2015
hello! my name is Ira, i live in Irkutsk) i realy like The Beatles:3 also i like Oasis, Pink Floyd, Green day and many others bands)

Language pair: English; 
April 11, 2015

# Msgs: 2
Latest: June 5, 2015
Looking for friends to practice language
Hi, I´m a Spanish girl looking for friends speaking English or French.
Also I am looking for someone to teach me portuguese and Italian. I like languages a lot
They can practice Spanish language with me.

Language pair: Spanish; English
Sara M.
March 20, 2015

# Msgs: 3
Latest: April 23, 2015
Hola Lina,

estoy buscando aproximadamente lo que tu, soy frances y quiero aprender espanol (o mejorarlo mas precisamente :).

No sé exactamente como tengo que hacer, pero he empezado leer en espanol, y aprender las reglas de construccion de la frases, y creo que tengo ahora que practicar para no solo ser capable de entenderlo sino de expresarme.

Si estas interesada mejorar tu frances, podemos empezar a charlar. Si te parece bien como asi, puedes escribirme en frances, y te contestara en espanol :) Y cuando veremos equivocaciones en lo que dice el otro, nos poderamos decirle y ayudarle intentar correctarlo.

Si tienes otra (y/o mejor) idea para hacerlo, o si tienes pregunta especial, no vacila, y pidelo ! ^^

hasta luego

Language pair: Spanish; French
babou (.
March 11, 2015

# Msgs: 2
Latest: March 11, 2015
Led Zepellin is the best band of the world !

Language pair: English; 
Lina M.
March 6, 2015

# Msgs: 4
Latest: September 6, 2015
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