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Language > Portuguese
Category > Slang/Expressions

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Re:exchange English for Portuguese
i am portuguese and if u want, i can help u in improving your portuguese language skills. my english needs also some care, as i don' t practice it for quite a long time. i am not a gold member, so i hope u can contact me somehow or the easiest way is undoubtedly to register yourself. I suggest this because i was not able to find a german speaking person for language exchange....

see you

Language pair: English; Portuguese
July 12, 2006

# Msgs: 1

I'm a good English speaker.So,if u need help just let me know.
BTW,I'm from Yugoslavia.

Language pair: Portuguese; English
January 25, 2006

# Msgs: 2
Latest: January 25, 2006
HI, Hey yes I´D love to improve my English with your help and if you are interested in learn my first language Ican help you. PLEASE contact me I´m not gold member. Beijos Carla

Language pair: Portuguese; English
Carla S.
January 21, 2006

# Msgs: 2
Latest: January 25, 2006
Re:Re:Re:English or Greek in exchange for Spanish/Portugese
Gday Kathy,

The correct form to say my name is Kathy is "Meu nome é Kathy" or you can say Hi,I'm Kathy "oi, sou Kathy" or Nice to meet you, I'm Kathy "Prazer, Kathy". The three forms sounds good to me, but I think the last one is more usual here in Brazil when you meet someone for the first time.

I'm too thinking of getting a gold membership.

Language pair: Portuguese; English
Mika L.
January 11, 2006

# Msgs: 3
Latest: January 11, 2006
Re:English or Greek in exchange for Spanish/Portugese
Hi Kathy,

1. Hi, my name is Kathy
Oi, meu nome é Kathy.
2. Its my first time to (Brazil/Spain).
Esta é a primeira vez que venho ao Brasil.
3. I'm so happy
Estou tão feliz
4. You're beautiful (feminine and masculine forms)
Você é bonita (fem)
Você é bonito (masc)
5. You're sexy (feminine and masculine forms)
Você é sexy (fem or masc)
6. I cant wait to see/meet you
Mal posso esperar pra ver você/encontrar você
7. Im looking forward to it
Estou esperando por isto.
8. Amazing!
Incrível !
9. Where can I get a (drink/something to eat etc)?"
Onde posso tomar uma bebida?
Onde posso comer?
10. Cheers (when toasting)
11. and whatever you wish for or to you..to us etc
Do jeito que voce achar melhor pra você ou pra nós
12. what will be, will be
O que será, será
13. I love you
Eu amo você
14. I like you
Eu gosto de você

Language pair: Portuguese; English
Mika L.
January 3, 2006

# Msgs: 3
Latest: January 11, 2006
Re:English or Greek in exchange for Spanish/Portugese
Hi Kathy,

1. Hi, my name is Kathy
Oi, nome é Kathy.
2. Its my first time to (Brazil/Spain).
Esta é a primeira vez que venho ao Brasil.
3. I'm so happy
Estou tão feliz
4. You're beautiful (feminine and masculine forms)
Você é bonita (fem)
Você é bonito (masc)
5. You're sexy (feminine and masculine forms)
Você é sexy (fem or masc)
6. I cant wait to see/meet you
Mal posso esperar pra ver você/encontrar você
7. Im looking forward to it
Estou esperando por isto.
8. Amazing!
Incrível !
9. Where can I get a (drink/something to eat etc)?"
Onde posso tomar uma bebida?
Onde posso comer?
10. Cheers (when toasting)
11. and whatever you wish for or to you..to us etc
Do jeito que voce achar melhor pra você ou pra nós
12. what will be, will be
O que será, será
13. I love you
Eu amo você
14. I like you
Eu gosto de você

Language pair: Portuguese; English
Mika L.
January 3, 2006

# Msgs: 3
Latest: January 11, 2006
will to help you with english if you help me with portuguese
hello im oscar murphy and i want to learn portuguese and im willing to help we can email and text if you like im a 29yr old male from north carolina

Language pair: English; Portuguese
oscar m.
November 24, 2005

# Msgs: 1

Anyone wanting to speak Portugues?
I speak Portugues, but need practice for when I go to Brasil in January. My native language is English. Anyone interested?

Language pair: Portuguese; All
peter b.
October 19, 2005

# Msgs: 1

Re:teach me german or portugues for english
hi Becca! we can talk in portuguese and english ..i´m not a gold member, so please leave a message if you want.
see ya Fernanda

Language pair: Portuguese; German
September 9, 2005

# Msgs: 1

Re:Answer to your prayers
I hope that i m the Marie you were talking about...lol. I would be SOOOOO happy if you would teach me. Unfortunately i m not a gold member here... So i m kind of confused how we can communicate... Can you think of an idea?

Language pair: Estonian; Portuguese
December 25, 2004

# Msgs: 1

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