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Category > Vacations/Travels

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Re:English in Provence?
I have been in Paris, having spent only a few months learning French. I found that if you try, show you respect the language, and can at least ask "can you speak English " (Parlez-vous Anglais?) and can count, they will help you out, and most stores and ALL museums have English speakers.

Language pair: Norwegian; English
Chicago R.
February 11, 2005

# Msgs: 1

summer in Stockholm
Hi everyone. I am travelling in summer to Stockholm. I would love to meet people from Sweden to practise my swedish and with the time become friends. If you are interested in practising you Spanish I can help you too.

Hope to hear soon from you


Language pair: Spanish; Swedish
Victor S.
February 8, 2005

# Msgs: 1

summer in Stockholm
Hi everyone. I am travelling in summer to Stockholm. I would love to meet people from Sweden to practise my swedish and with the time become friends. If you are interested in practising you Spanish I can help you too.

Hope to hear soon from you


Language pair: Spanish; Swedish
Victor S.
February 8, 2005

# Msgs: 1

Re:hey> I need advice 0:)
Hi Stephanie,
I spent a week in Paris in 2003. It was beautiful! A wonderful city to walk around in. Although I wouldn't go there in August (if that's when you were planning on going) as most French people go on vacation and many hotels and restaurants are closed for the month.
Bon voyage!

Language pair: English; All
January 27, 2005

# Msgs: 1

Where to stay in Vilnius ?

I'm moving in Vilnius with my girlfriend next december ( in a year !!!). She's going to study communications and politics at Vinius University. We would like to know how we can find an apartment with or without room mates for a 5 months stay. Does anyone know a website where there's offer for appartment we can rent ?
We're from Montréal so we speak french too. My Lithuanian is not good at all. So any help will apreciated.
Thanks a lot.

Language pair: French; All
January 7, 2005

# Msgs: 1

Re:I am Visiting Lima, Peru!! - Wanted: Friend for English/Spanish Conversation
Hi Peter:

I can help you and more just now I am on vacation:

Ask that you need and I will answer to you!

Even you are there...you can contac me! I have MSN and Yahoo


Language pair: Spanish; All
maryjaponte l.
December 24, 2004

# Msgs: 1

ITALY and MEDITTERANEAN SEA IN SAILING BOAT from march to october 05
For all those that love Italy but they are tired of the usual tourist circuits... This is right for you.
Thing you say around on board of it of a beautiful vacation of a sailboat for the Mediterranean and his islands???
If everything this interests you write me, the itinerary you do it also for few days.
Ciao and soon Gianluca

Language pair: Italian; Interlingua
December 4, 2004

# Msgs: 1

Re:Cultural exchange!
Hi I am Giorgio I am coming to shanghai and I need someone to assist me since I do not speak any chinese. I can exchange giveing italian language tutoring .

IPlease replay as soon as possible

Language pair: English; Chinese, Mandarin
giorgio p.
December 4, 2004

# Msgs: 1

Re:Vacation in Romania

I have abusiness in Romania next year. I plan to stay in romania 2 weeks per month starting by Jan 2005 untill Oct 2005.

I would like you to teach me Romanian language and I offer you to teach you Arabic language or Hebrew language as you wish.

Please contact me if it's ok.

Language pair: Portuguese; Spanish
New G.
December 4, 2004

# Msgs: 1

Re:Invited All
¡Hola, Mario!
Qué bueno que tengas tanta ilusión y tantas ganas de aprender todas las lenguas europeas. Para eso necesitarías, digamos, 700 años. O sea que tengas esperanza de superar a Metusalén en cuanto a la longevidad. Y todavía hecharías de menos los griegos, los romanos, los escolásticos y los filósofos orientales en sus lengas maternas. En mi opinión estarías servido de una manera insuperable con el inglés, el francés, el alemán, el español y el italián.
Yo te puedo enseñar el serbio o el croato, pero para la filosofía no sirve mucho. Nuestros filósofos eran unos kantinianos y hegelianos temerarios de modo que mejor lea a los originales. Por supuesto, no olvidemos que nuestros filósofos fueron los autores intelectuales del fracasado estado comunista y después de la guerra civil en la ya difunta Yugoslavia.
También puedo ayudarte a perfeccionar el alemán, pero te advierto de que se vuelvas loco antes de leer las primeras cien paginas sea de Kant o de Hegel. No vale la pena sin una introducción cuidadosa ni comentarios á priori.
Yo creo que los filósofos serbios y croatas nunca llegaron a entener a los clásicos alemanes, lo que dio lugar a una filosofía perversa y una sociedad sin cimientos reales.


Language pair: English; Spanish
Aleksandar D.
December 3, 2004

# Msgs: 1

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