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Language > Italian
Category > Seeking Partners

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Language exchange Italian/English
Hi! I'm from Italy and I'd like to improve my spoken English with native speakers. I can help you with your Italian.
I'm not a gold member.

Language pair: Italian; English
November 3, 2014

# Msgs: 1

Re:Re:English teenager looking for italian friend! :)
Ciao, io sonoo Franca.
Io parlo italiano ma non tropo bene :P
Posso aiutarti con tuo inglese, e tu me con il italiano :)

graziee x
mi dispiacce perche non so scrivere bene :(

Language pair: English; Italian
Frankie G.
October 29, 2014

# Msgs: 4
Latest: October 29, 2014
Re:English teenager looking for italian friend! :)
I'm not a teenager anymore...I'm a bit older lady but willing to help you with your Italian. I need to practice my spoken English. Plus I lived in London many years ago and I loved it!! :-)
Get in touch!

Language pair: English; Italian
October 26, 2014

# Msgs: 4
Latest: October 29, 2014
Re:English teenager looking for italian friend! :)
i'm italian guy and I have to improve my scholastic english.
I'm halpful to learn you italian language in simple and funny conversation way.

Ciao e buona serata!

Language pair: English; Italian
October 20, 2014

# Msgs: 4
Latest: October 29, 2014
English teenager looking for italian friend! :)
Mi chiamo Sarah e habito a Londra. Vorrei un amico italiano perche impararo italiano (Ma penso che sono abbastanza male! :p) I can help with english practice in return :)

Language pair: English; Italian
Sarah C.
October 18, 2014

# Msgs: 4
Latest: October 29, 2014
Looking for German partners, willing to teach Turkish and English
Hi everyone. I'm a Turkish native-speaker will be in Tuebingen (Germany) for 6 months as an Erasmus student. I want to learn German language and I can help with Turkish and English languages.
Several years ago took some Italian courses so it would be nice if someone is also interested to teach Italian too! =)

Language pair: German; Italian
tebessüm y.
October 18, 2014

# Msgs: 1

Re:English for Spanish or Italian
ciao,io vorrei imparare l'inglese, le mie basi non sono molto buone.. in cambio potrei aiutarti con l'italiano! ;) Eles

Language pair: English; Italian
October 17, 2014

# Msgs: 2
Latest: October 17, 2014
Change English/Italian in Tuscany
Hi, I'm Domenico (Mimmo), I'm an Italian from Pisa to 47 years old, single and graduated, and I am looking for someone female or male, possibly Lucca, Pisa, Livorno or Firenze English speaker to share the knowledge of the Italian language to improve my English primary.

I don't golden member...

Language pair: English; Italian
Domenico V.
October 16, 2014

# Msgs: 1

Looking for a bangla teacher
Hi, i'm italian and i'm looking for learn bengali. Can someone help me?
My mother tongue is Italian. Also my english and my french are not bad...

Language pair: Italian; Bengali
October 3, 2014

# Msgs: 1

I need to train :-) in spoken 普通话, I can teach you Italian
Hello! I am a native speaker of Italian in Milan (Italy), I am looking for a serious language exchange partner to help me train in spoken (Mandarin) Chinese. I am still a beginner but I really would progress in learning this language. We could meet at a cafe around Duomo and talk there. Thank you for reading! :-)

Language pair: Italian; Chinese, Mandarin
October 3, 2014

# Msgs: 1

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