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ruthy w.
July 12, 2014
# Msgs: 5
Latest: May 30, 2015
July 8, 2014
# Msgs: 5
Latest: May 30, 2015
Re:anyone who wants japanese recipe?
Hello! I love cooking and japanese food so I would really be interested in a cooking exchange. Where do you live? I have recipes from France, Belgium, Spain and some from other countries. Thanks!
Language pair: English; French
April 17, 2014
# Msgs: 3
Latest: May 16, 2014
Cuisine coréene
le kimbap est trèèèèès populaire en Corée, je l'adooooooooore et vous les amis que ce que vous en pensez?
Language pair: French; English
February 15, 2014
# Msgs: 1
Re:Candy swap
Do you have anything in particular that you want? Candy me be a little difficult. You have to deal with very HOT temperatures. A silpat mat would be very helpful. Do you want caramel. fudge, truffles? marshmallows? Mousse? I don't know anything about German food except Europeans loves marzipan. I'd like anything other than marzipan.
Language pair: English; French
ruthy w.
January 8, 2014
# Msgs: 12
Latest: October 9, 2018
Haiti cuisine
Je dois faire un travail sur la cuisine haitienne.. vous savez des dates generaux où quelques épices, fruits, légumes..., qui sont typicalement haitienne?
je vous remercie :)
Language pair: French;
December 6, 2011
# Msgs: 1
I like to cook im from mexico
hi I study in a culinary school and a think the best way to learn about a country and its food is talking with the people live there. so i´d like to know about real chinesse food, can you teach me?
Language pair: English; French
David L.
January 10, 2011
# Msgs: 2
Latest: January 10, 2011
Re:I am looking for French appetizer recipes.
Bonjour vida , Je suis une française qui habite en Belgique. Je suis interessée apprendre l'anglais. Concernant les recettes de cuisine ,j'en ai beaucoup. Etes vous d'accord pour une collaboration français - anglais ? Philadora
Language pair: French; English
Dina T.
January 21, 2010
# Msgs: 3
Latest: January 21, 2010
Re:I am looking for French appetizer recipes.
Bonjour,je suis une française qui habite en Belgique. Je veux apprendre l'anglais,je puex vous aider avec le français. Concernant les recettes de cuisine française ,j'en ai beaucoup. Etes vous d'accord pour cette colaboration français-anglais ? Philadora
Language pair: French; English
Dina T.
January 21, 2010
# Msgs: 3
Latest: January 21, 2010
I am looking for French appetizer recipes.
As previously stated, I am looking for French appetizer recipes. My native tongue is English, so if anyone requires help I am available.Please post the recipes in French, along with, anything about the French culinary arts and cooking techniques. I need all of the practice I can get.
Sincerely, Vida
Language pair: English; French
January 12, 2010
# Msgs: 3
Latest: January 21, 2010