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Re:Re:chat to me please
Nice to meet u here. although i am trying to find someone to practice my oral english, i find typing english is funny too...

Language pair: English; Spanish
Rocky L.
September 16, 2010

# Msgs: 7
Latest: September 16, 2010
Re:Re:Re:i need to learn french
Hi, I m french
So, I can help in french if you help me in english

Language pair: Spanish; French
Edwina R.
September 11, 2010

# Msgs: 6
Latest: September 19, 2010
Bonjour, je m'appelle Edwina Je suis française et je désire approfondir l anglais Alors, je peux t'aider à apprendre le français et toi l anglais

Language pair: Spanish; French
Edwina R.
September 11, 2010

# Msgs: 8
Latest: January 31, 2012
Re:Hi friends!
Hi Roxana, I hope you have found plenty of people to practice your English with.
If I were to write your message in very good English it would read like this. "I'm from Peru but I live in Spain. I am studying English. I want to improve my level of English and I can help you with your Spanish. Please write to me. Thank you so much."
As you can see you got a lot of it right, so your English is already very good. My Spanish is poor and seems to be getting worse! Good luck and hope this is helpful.

Language pair: Spanish; English
Barbara M.
August 13, 2010

# Msgs: 12
Latest: October 27, 2010
Re:chat to me please
Hi Asea, the way you put things is quite funny and your message made me smile. :-) It is hearing you are a good chatter. You mean you are good at chatting. But the way you put it is much nicer and very sweet.
all good wishes to you as you improve your English, from Barbara UK

Language pair: English; Spanish
Barbara M.
August 13, 2010

# Msgs: 7
Latest: September 16, 2010
Do you live in Tarragona - then we can exchange English and Spanish if so.
I am looking for someone who wants to improve their English who lives in or near Tarragona. I will be there in Septiembre and would
like to meet up if possible. I am happy to help with English but need more chance to speak Spanish. In Spain? Yes I know.

Language pair: Spanish; 
Barbara M.
July 31, 2010

# Msgs: 1

Be happy!
Someone who wants to go to the beach with me this summer? :PP It's Summertime ...time for relax and recreation! Enjoy the sun! ;))

Language pair: Spanish; English
July 6, 2010

# Msgs: 1

Bonjour Maxime,

J'ai vient de m'inscrire sur cette site. J'ai 35 ans, Je suis un professeur d'anglais et je veux ameliorer mon francais. J'aimerais beaucoup si vous pouvez m'aider. Merci


Language pair: Spanish; French
Angela N.
June 27, 2010

# Msgs: 8
Latest: January 31, 2012
Bonsoir Yani.
Je viens tout juste de m'inscrire sur ce site pour pratiquer mon anglais dans un premier temps. Mais j'ai également comme objectif de pouvoir pratiquer mon espagnol que je ne parle plus depuis plusieurs années. Je serai enchanté de pouvoir t'aider à pratiquer le francais si tu le souhaites. J'ai 36 ans, je vis en France à Lyon , je suis marié avec deux enfants de 7 et 10 ans.
A très bientôt j'éspère.

Language pair: Spanish; French
June 21, 2010

# Msgs: 8
Latest: January 31, 2012
Hi Yani!
My name is Kyra, im from texas in the united states. I can help you with your english! Message me soon! :D

Language pair: Spanish; English
Kyra S.
June 5, 2010

# Msgs: 12
Latest: October 27, 2010
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