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Language > Italian
Category > Jokes

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Re:Re:Find anybody to help me for my english
i love the sexy fun! what country are you from?

Language pair: English; Italian
Bryan D.
January 23, 2008

# Msgs: 10
Latest: January 24, 2008
hi veronica,you want to learn spanish??
i want to learn very well enlish,
you can help me and i to you spanish!!!!


Language pair: English; Italian
chany w.
January 11, 2008

# Msgs: 2
Latest: January 11, 2008
Re:i'd like to improve my english
Ciao Stefano
i want to learn italian very badly!
I can can help you brush up on your english in any way


Language pair: Italian; English
Liza D.
January 9, 2008

# Msgs: 2
Latest: January 9, 2008
does anyone want to learn greek?i'd like to learn italian..
ciao a tutti!im searching for a native speaker of the italian language...im studying italian in my university and would like to practise it if possible...i can teach greek to whoever needs it.im not a gold member so i can't contact anyone,so im waiting for you!!

Language pair: Greek; Italian
despina t.
January 6, 2008

# Msgs: 1

looking for a language partner
Hola me llamo Feliberto Fang,soy de china ,hablo espanol,italiano,portugues,aleman...ahora estoy estudiando grego y otras ! hay los personas que se interesan chino ?
mi Skype : feliberto


Hello ,i am Feliberto Fang from china, i speak englsih,spanish,italian,portuguese,german...and now i am studying greek and others ! is there any people who interested in chinese ?

Language pair: Italian; Chinese, Mandarin
eckermann f.
January 1, 2008

# Msgs: 2
Latest: January 4, 2008
i'd like to improve my english
hello, my name's stefano, i'm italian hairdresser, i've been studying english for 3 years, i'd like to improve it, but of course, i can teach italian language.

Language pair: Italian; English
December 26, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: January 9, 2008
Help to learn English,Finnish or French
I would like to do conversation in English, French or Finnish with nice people, in exchange I could teach Italian who he wanted to accept. I am not a goldmember, but I would like to be contacted.

Language pair: Italian; English
December 23, 2007

# Msgs: 1

HI eVeRyBoDy!
hoLa NeCeSitO APrEndEr un PoCo De ItALiaNo y Me GustaRia AprEndER LatIn AlguiEN Que Me QuieRa AyuDar PliZ Le AyuDarE cOn Su EsPaÑol O ingLes PoR fAVoR!!!!

Language pair: Latin; Italian
November 5, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Ciao! Voglio imparare Italiano molto bene! :)


I would like to improve my Italian language knowledge. Anyone volunteering for teaching/practicing?

Hungarian is my native language. Happily help you in learning it, if you want too. :)

Language pair: Italian; English
Eni D.
September 7, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Hi everybody!!!
I'm a french girl...I love Art...the sea...and Nutella! I'd like to improve my english and my italian...and why not try some spanish... Im not a gold menber, so please contact me! Ciao*

Language pair: English; Italian
Zinga r.
September 1, 2007

# Msgs: 1

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