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Language > Portuguese
Category > Making Friends

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I wanna make friend all over the world
Hi my name is Jaqueline, and I am from Brazil.
I traveled last year to Canada, and it was the best time of my life and I felt in love for make international friends. I am here for it.
Plus, exchanging knowledge in portuguese to english, french, spanish..
I have msn, orkut and email
Please contact me.. It will be pleasure to talk to you.

Language pair: Portuguese; English
jaque s.
October 25, 2007

# Msgs: 7
Latest: November 11, 2007
Re:Making Friends
Hello Kaissa,my name is Maria and i speak english and i am also making new friand. I am 13 and i am learning spanish ,and it would be realy nice to if you could write me back.


Language pair: English; Portuguese
maria j.
October 23, 2007

# Msgs: 3
Latest: October 23, 2007
Re:Olá (Hi! Salut! Hola!)!
hola soy eduardo y te puedo enseñar español..entra a cohenimach-werblud.com y mandame de ahi un mail si queres

Language pair: Portuguese; 
eduardo i.
October 23, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: October 23, 2007
Re:Making Friends
Hello Kaissia; im interesting in learn some english and portuguese... I speak english and spanish... i`m interested un brazilian culture too. can you add me MSN j_asturiasl@hotmail.com

Language pair: English; Portuguese
Jaime A.
October 20, 2007

# Msgs: 3
Latest: October 23, 2007
Making Friends
Hi my namo is Kaíssa i'm from brazil and i wish start a conversation with some one who want to exchange ideas in english!

Language pair: English; Portuguese
October 18, 2007

# Msgs: 3
Latest: October 23, 2007
Olá (Hi! Salut! Hola!)!
Olá, meu nome é Jaqueline. Gostaria de fazer amizade com alguém que falasse francês, inglês ou espanhol. Contate-me. Tenho MSN!
:D Beijos

Hi, my name is Jaqueline. I would like to make a friend who speak french, english or spanish. Contact me. I have MSN!!! :D

Language pair: Portuguese; 
jaque s.
October 17, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: October 23, 2007
Re:Re:hi,how are you?
@ Marc
I'm not portugese so I can't teach you. I don't speak this language

Language pair: Portuguese; English
October 14, 2007

# Msgs: 4
Latest: October 14, 2007
Re:hi,how are you?
I'm glad to hear from you. I think new friends are always funny so it would be great if we could become friends.
I'll start with teaching you german after I know if you know anything of this language and where to start
you are welcome to ask me some questions

Language pair: Portuguese; English
October 13, 2007

# Msgs: 4
Latest: October 14, 2007
Re:hi,how are you?
Hi Julia
I am interetsed in learning portugese. I hope you can teach me some basic portugese language. Well i am a old guy who takes long to grasp the things. :-) If interested you can write to me on marc_10301 on hotmale.............:-)

Language pair: Portuguese; English
Marc P.
October 10, 2007

# Msgs: 4
Latest: October 14, 2007
Re:Re:would like to learn the language fast

i m rashi yes sure i can help u to learn english u can teach me portuguese language.

Language pair: Portuguese; Portuguese
October 9, 2007

# Msgs: 1

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