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Language > Italian
Category > Jokes

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Hola me llamos xavier y´me gustaria aprender italiano espero que laguien me enseñe haci como yo le ensañiria español bueno grazie.

Language pair: Spanish; Italian
xavier s.
August 21, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Hola me llamo Xavier soy un chico de 20 años me encantaria saber o aprender mas el Italiano y me gustaria que alguien me enseñara y pues alguien que le guste el español o quisiera aprender yo le enseño bueno gracias.

Language pair: Spanish; Italian
xavier s.
August 21, 2007

# Msgs: 5
Latest: January 31, 2016
im a boy who wants to learn italian cause of my cousin.

Language pair: Italian; Italian
omorodion a.
August 14, 2007

# Msgs: 1

I teack English and get taght Italian.
I am a single male from Canada trying to learn Italian.And i need help from manly Italians And i need it quick>

Language pair: English; Italian
jake s.
August 1, 2007

# Msgs: 1

need help with italian
could some one help me plz... i would really like to learn some more Italian than i already know its just that i can't contact anyone because i'm not a gold member, i also speak English and Spanish fluently so i would be more than happy to help you with both... thnx a lot...

Language pair: Spanish; Italian
alexa e.
June 26, 2007

# Msgs: 1

I wanna learn italian or french
Hi all... I would like to learn italian or french.. I can teach you spanish... please contact me

Language pair: Italian; French
June 25, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Re:Parler francais
bonjour,je m'appelle monia,j'habite BORDEAUX,une jolie ville située en france,dans le SUD-OUEST.Mes parents sont nés en TUNISIE,et je parle le tunisien.
je voudrais apprendre l'italien,car je trouve cette langue trés agréable à l'oreille!Et en tunisie,il y a toujours beaucoup d'italiens.
J'éspère que tu m'enverras une réponse,car c'est la première fois que je vais sur ce site.

Language pair: Italian; French
May 28, 2007

# Msgs: 3
Latest: May 28, 2007
Willing to learn russian!
Buongiorno a tutti,

I'm Alex, a 23years old guy livin' in Milan. I'm trying to learn Russian, i've bought a grammar book and also a small dictionary, but i think to need some native speaker's help, since i'll spend some months in Russia from September.

We can practise together also English, German and Spanish.. these ones are the languages i know. Unfortunately i'm not a gold member, so reply to this message or contact me!

Hugs, Alex

Language pair: Italian; Russian
May 28, 2007

# Msgs: 7
Latest: May 28, 2007
Re:Parler francais
Salut Vera, comment ça va!!!
Voila, je me présente;
Je suis une algeriènne, agée de 26 ans, et j'ai un amour fou pour tout ce qui est italien.
Alors je voudrais bien qu'on s'aide.
Embrasse l'Italie pour moi.

Language pair: French; Italian
May 27, 2007

# Msgs: 3
Latest: May 28, 2007
Parler francais
Salut, je m'appelle Vera, j'ai 24 ans et je suis italienne. Je voudrai améliorer mon francais et s'il y a qualqu'un qui veux parler italien...je suis ici!

Language pair: Italian; French
Vera x.
May 26, 2007

# Msgs: 3
Latest: May 28, 2007
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