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Category > Teacher Training/Teaching Abroad

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Re:Searching for a native SERBIAN
Tal vez pueda ayudarte a mejorar tus conocimientos de serbio.
Sin embargo, quisiera saber qué tipo de ayuda esperas.
Podrías comprender el siguiente párrafo:

Dobar dan! Ja sam Ana iz Francuske i trazim partnera koji bi mi pomogao da poboljsam moj srpski. Inace sam grkinja iz Soluna i posto svake godine prolazim kroz Srbiju i Hrvatsku, zelim da bolje razumem sta ljudi oko mene govore.

También me interesa cómo es tu español y si podrías identificar aquellas palabras griegas que probablemente hayan venido de castellano o de catalán.


Language pair: Greek; French
Aleksandar D.
December 2, 2004

# Msgs: 1

Could you help me please ????
HI !!!! I search somebody could help me in english, I'm a French student in automation and I would like learn english but not like in high school, I would like learn how people talk all times ( j'espere que vous comprenez ce que je raconte !!!) well if you need somebody to learn french, don't search no more I'm there !!! thankx to have read my message I hope I could help you to .... bye

Language pair: French; English
Raphaël P.
August 14, 2004

# Msgs: 1

Re:I wish to learn spanish
Bonjour Charles.
I've read a message in this board that has make me reconsider my travel plans for the next months.
It was someone who offered accommodation for anyone teaching him at his house.
I'm Alfredo, a Spanish 30 y.o. philosopher who wants to improve his English skills to a high level, and would love to learn French if I can do this way (accommodation for teaching)
It may be not the usual way, but if you are interested, please write me a message (I'm not a gold member) and we would talk about it.

Language pair: French; English
Alfredo B.
April 19, 2004

# Msgs: 2
Latest: April 19, 2004
Re:I wish to learn spanish
Hi I'm Tinini. I am an English teacher.I speak Catalan and Spanish fluently.If you need some help just email me and I'll try to help as much as I can.
I also need to practise my English and this could be a good chance.Thanks.

Language pair: French; English
Tinini T.
August 11, 2003

# Msgs: 2
Latest: April 19, 2004
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