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Language > Finnish
Category > Slang/Expressions

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kirjakieli vs puhukieli
Hi all! I'm living in Helsinki and trying to learn Finnish. I'm having difficulty with the fact that there seems to be two types of language here....the one they teach you in the classroom and the one people actually speak every day. This is confusing me a lot and making it difficult for me to learn so any native finnish speakers who would like a pen pal please contact me. I'm not a gold member but would love to hear from you. Thanks all!

Language pair: English; Finnish
February 16, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Hei, olen Sunny!
I would like to learn Finnisch, this is a veeeeery big dream of me!!
Who want to help me? I can help You whit GERMAN or ITALIAN!
I'm a gold member so i can contact you!


Language pair: German; Finnish
December 1, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Re:Re:Hey! somebody in here speaks suomi?
Hello, Miika,
I dont mean to be pushy, but since youve offered another person your help in finnish, i was wondering if you could help me with it too since im very much in love with your country and lanuage...You can check my profile and contact me if you feel like it, you canemail at soaringmajestically,its on wowmaildotcom, i think i can help you at least a bit with your english since im about to become an english teacher so hope to hear from you soon
bye bye

Language pair: Spanish; Finnish
November 18, 2006

# Msgs: 2
Latest: November 18, 2006
Terve!!! Please mail back!!! please!!!
Moi, finnisch People! I want soooo much to learn Finnisch, but nobody wants to teach me this Languange... *cry*

(s.) Please mail (sid) back! (@) Hey guys, please, its very important (gmx),i can teach you GERMAN (net) or ITALIAN

many Greeings Sunny

Language pair: German; Finnish
November 5, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Terve!!! Please mail back!!! please!!!
Moi, finnisch People! I want soooo much to learn Finnisch, but nobody wants to teach me this Languange... *cry*

(s.) Please mail (sid) back! (gmx.) Hey guys, please, its very important (gmx),i can teach you GERMAN (net) or ITALIAN

many Greeings Sunny

Language pair: German; Finnish
November 4, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Terve, voisitteko Te auttaa minua????????
Terve, voisitteko Te auttaa minua????????

Anteeksi, mutta minä en puhu suomea!!

But anybody can help to learn it!!!
Please, it is very important! I can teach you German if it is in your interest! Writes to me if Somebody wants to help me to learn Finnish! Many greetings


Language pair: German; Finnish
November 1, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Re:Hey! somebody in here speaks suomi?

I can do to learn finnish language for you..But my english is so bad. If you want learn to finnish send e-mail to me

Language pair: Spanish; Finnish
October 26, 2006

# Msgs: 2
Latest: November 18, 2006
Hey People!! help me out i wanna learn how to speak Finnish and Italian i can try and teach english 4 u guys
so yeah ill help you out if you help me out! just contact me because im not a gold member or whatever but yeah contact me and ill give you my msn or yahoo user so we can chat more but just help me out! thnaks people

Language pair: Finnish; Italian
Stephanie V.
July 13, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Re:Re:Seeking for someone who can teach me finnish, Thai, Spanish n practing German Many TKs!!
Moi MOI Silja
Tks for your kind reply!^_^
Yup i wanna know finnish
Where shall we start?maybe some basic converstaion ??


Language pair: Finnish; French
March 14, 2005

# Msgs: 2
Latest: March 14, 2005
Seeking for someone who can teach me finnish, Thai, Spanish n practing German Many TKs!!
My name is tiff i wanna to keep up my german And interesting into Finnish , Thai and Spanish too!! I can help u wz Mandarin and Cantonese
IS anyone can Help? Cheers!!

Language pair: Finnish; German
March 8, 2005

# Msgs: 2
Latest: March 14, 2005
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