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Language > Cambodian (Khmer)
Category > Vocabulary/Translations

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What does this say?
I got rose and that is it. "Kolab Knong Suon Vannak"


Language pair: English; Cambodian (Khmer)
Roy A.
January 20, 2004

# Msgs: 1

An unusual translation request.
I was intending to transcribe an audio recording of Khmer as spoken on TV I found for this message, but the announcer in the clip talks a bit too fast for my liking (and the quality of the clip is low). It appears to be a rundown of programmes for the following day (since it's followed by the first verse of the Cambodian national anthem, and then a tone).
If you wanna have a go, please get in touch with me.

Language pair: English; Cambodian (Khmer)
Varakorn U.
January 28, 2003

# Msgs: 1

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