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Language > Portuguese
Category > Seeking Partners

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seeking help to learn portuguese!
If anyone would be willing to help me learn Portuguese and in return I can help teach English! Please message me

Language pair: English; Portuguese
August 25, 2013

# Msgs: 2
Latest: August 28, 2013
i want to learn Portuguese
Hello! My name is Rachel and I want to learn how to speak Portuguese. I hope to learn from someone from Portugal as I know Brazilian Portuguese is a little different but I will take what I can get. I would like to learn off a female as I think it would be Hello! My name is Rachel and I want to learn how to speak Portuguese. I hope to learn from someone from Portugal as I know Brazilian Portuguese is a little different but I will take what I can get. I would like to learn off a female as I think it would be easier to learn how to pronounce things in a woman's accent rather than a man's but I dont mind either way. I am from the UK and I speak English and I would be happy to teach to anyone who wanted to learn. I also hope to make some friends and learn about the culture. Please message me I am keen to learn! to learn how to pronounce things in a woman's accent rather than a man's but I dont mind either way. I am from the UK and I speak English and I would be happy to teach to anyone who wanted to learn. I also hope to make some friends and learn about the culture. Please message me I am keen to learn!

Language pair: English; Portuguese
August 23, 2013

# Msgs: 5
Latest: October 30, 2014
Rudi from England wants to aprender português
Hi I'm Rudi and I live in England where I'm learning Portuguese. I'd love to practice English or French with you in exchange for your help

Language pair: English; Portuguese
Rudi A.
August 12, 2013

# Msgs: 1

Re:looking for language partners
Hi Lory, I can help you with Portuguese. I'm brazilian and I'm looking for someone that could help to improve my written and spoken English. I have italian citizenship (my mother is Italian), and I intend to move with my wife and daughter to Europe next year.
Do you have any question that I can answer in Portuguese?
Below, I'll write the same text above, in Portuguese, is that fine for you?
Olá Lory, eu posso te ajudar com Português. Eu sou brasileiro e estou procurando alguém que possa me ajudar a melhorar meu inglês escrito e falado. Eu tenho cidadania italiana (minha mãe é italiana), e eu tenho a intenção de me mudar com minha família e minha filha para a Europa no próximo ano.
Você tem alguma pergunta que eu poderia responder em Português?
Abaixo eu vou escrever a mesma mensagem acima, em Português, isso está bom para você?
Thanks in advance / Desde já, obrigado!

Language pair: Portuguese; English
July 29, 2013

# Msgs: 2
Latest: July 29, 2013
looking for language partners
Hi. I look for partners to practise Portuguese and German. I offer Italian (my native language) or English (fluent) in exchange. I live in the area of Frankfurt.

Language pair: Portuguese; German
July 22, 2013

# Msgs: 2
Latest: July 29, 2013
Re:Looking for an language exchange mate and friend!

I would like to join you in your language studies! I have a small amount of Japanese experience and would be interested in learning more, but, more importantly, I am also seeking to learn Portuguese. I haven't started studying it yet, so I'm definitely a beginner. We can push each other to learn it, if you'd like. I'm actually focusing on Portuguese because I may end up in Brazil one day! Are you a gold member?


Language pair: Japanese; Portuguese
June 30, 2013

# Msgs: 3
Latest: September 23, 2019
looking for an exchange partner
I'm looking for a partner to learn our language each other in Recife, Brazil.
I speak Japanese and English and want to learn Portuguese.
Contact me , por favor


Language pair: Portuguese; English
June 26, 2013

# Msgs: 1

Looking for an language exchange mate and friend!
I teach you Japanese and I want to learn Portuguese. I speak English also.
Please contact me.

Language pair: Japanese; Portuguese
June 23, 2013

# Msgs: 3
Latest: September 23, 2019
language exchange Portuguese-German
I`m German and would like to learn/ improve my european Portuguese. I started learning Portuguese in January, so I'm a beginner I think.
I can offer you my German.
Best regards,

Language pair: Portuguese; German
June 15, 2013

# Msgs: 2
Latest: July 10, 2014
Re:Looking for a German - Portuguese exchange Partner
Oi Katja,
tudo bem?

Sou brasileira e acabo de chegar a Freiburg.
Onde você mora?
I really want to practice and learn German but I'm only at the beginning. So if you are patient, that would be great to practice.


Language pair: Portuguese; German
Sheila Z.
June 4, 2013

# Msgs: 3
Latest: July 13, 2014
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