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Language > French
Category > New Member

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a little french who love to speak
i'm a new member and my name is Laïsa (LISA with the english accent). I come from Comoros but i was born in paris. I live in Parisian suburbs. I studies right at university and i love learn... So i want to improve my english and my deutsch.... My dream is to speak easily the most possible languages. i want to speak with people and learn there culture
so have a nice day and don't hesitate i love talk.
have a nice day

Language pair: French; English
May 5, 2006

# Msgs: 2
Latest: June 14, 2006
Hello,I'm looking for someone to teach me my native language kirundi.I need it as quickly as possible!I haven't lived in an burundi" environment(only go back there every 2 years for only a month so..figures)
I can teach both FRANCAIS!(oui je parles aussi francais TRES bien :( mais meme pas ma propre langue le kirundi je fais pitie je sais)AND I CAN ALSO TEACH ENGLISH!(Speak fluent english US)
So msg me!

Language pair: English; French
Live 9.
April 24, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Seeking Partners from Toronto
Anyone wants to learn French?? I am looking for a Spanish partner in exchange I can teach French, please drop me a line if interested at, boite * O * lettres at hot mail, because I am not a gold member. We can meet any time if you want to practice. PS: replace "*" by the "_".

talk to you soon,

Language pair: French; English
April 19, 2006

# Msgs: 1

A new member!
Hey! My namne is Jenny, I'm from Sweden an I want to improve my French. I am a new member from today and I seek people who speak French. I speak Swedish and English and need to improve my French.

Language pair: French; Swedish
Jenny I.
April 18, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Write to me! =)
Hello, out there!
I search people who want to WRITE and TALK with me.
I have msn, skype and icq
and are able to download something else if you want.
I speak
English and
and want to improve it.
Also I speak a little bit
Spanish and
My mother tongue is
which I can teach you.
Too, if you can't teach me a language on the list.

I hope to hear from you!
I'm not a gold member, so I can't write at first.

Language pair: French; German
April 16, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Re:Hola a todos
hola imelda,cava?moi je connais tres bien le francais et je peux taider, mais aussi jai besoin de ton aide pour pratiquer mon espaniol.muchas gracias,sandy du liban

Language pair: French; Spanish
April 11, 2006

# Msgs: 2
Latest: May 29, 2006
Want friend to practice Chinese and French
Hi I am a Thai Student in a college and want to learn more about French and Chinese. I am studying in BA with my major in Business English. I used to study French for 2 years only in grammar though. But never in Chinese. For those who want to learn Thai language, you are more than welcome to contact me. Anyway,I always online on AoL, Hotmail and Skype. My Skype name is griffinus_19

Language pair: French; Chinese, Cantonese
Chananyou<Ben> M.
April 7, 2006

# Msgs: 1

hello every body
salut, je suis nouveau et je cherche des personne de norvege avec qui correspondre pour apprendre le norvegien

hello, i m a new member and i search norwegian people for learn norwegian and controversial


Language pair: French; Norwegian
Gaël E.
April 5, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Re:Re:Re:Hello Everyone!
Salut Marco,
Je suis novice sur ce site, donc je ne sais pas encore réellement comment il fonctionne car je pensais que je recevrais des alertes sur ma boite mail personnelle, mais il semblerait que je dois me connecter très fréquemment sur le site.
Et bien oui je serai d'accord de t'aider à progresser en français.
Mais comme ,je l'ai indiquée dans mon message, je souhaite apprendre l'italien et il semblerait que tu as quelques notions.
J'avais déjà commencé mais je crains qu'il n'en reste plus rien.
Donc il faudrait que je connaisse un peu ton niveau en français, afin que je n'utilise pas trop de temps compliqués.
Donc si tu as une idée, afin que nous puissions trouver une méthode qui nous permettrais tous deux de progresser. Toi en français et moi en Italien ou anglais, tout en sachant que je pars à venise dans 2 semaines. Alors vas-tu être un bon prof!!!(je plaisante).
Si tu as des problèmes à comprendre ce que je t'ai écris en français, dis le moi et je te traduirai en anglais car en italien ça risquerait d'être pire, mais après celui-ci, je ferai l'effort d'écrire en italien/ anglais, même si je dois utiliser un dico et faire du mots à mots.
Sur ce je te dis à très bientot et bonne soirée, car je ne sais pas où tu es mais à l'heure ou je t'écris il est 23h00, et demain matin je me réveille tôt.

A très bientôt Béatrice

Language pair: English; French
March 29, 2006

# Msgs: 8
Latest: March 29, 2006
Re:Re: Butterfly971
Salut Diana,

Well it's really hard to start, because we don't know anything about each others.
Just let me know a bit more about you, where you live, your studies, your hobbies...
In french of course, and I'll mixe my answer half french and half english, is that ok for you??

PS : Je ne suis pas un Gold member, donc j'ai l'impression que nos échanges ne pourront se faire que part ce biais.
En espérant te lire très bientôt.


Language pair: English; French
March 29, 2006

# Msgs: 8
Latest: March 29, 2006
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