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Category > Films/Movies

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Any Vampire Diaries fans ?
So is there any Vampire Diaries fans outhere ? #TVDFamily

Language pair: English; French
Lamiae E.
January 28, 2012

# Msgs: 7
Latest: August 17, 2014
Re:tim burton, anybody?
I've loved the Tim Burton movies since I was little and my parents got me Nightmare Before Christmas on VHS. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was ok, but personally, I really like Edward Scissor Hands.

Language pair: English; French
Katerina C.
January 26, 2012

# Msgs: 6
Latest: April 17, 2012
Re:hello everyone.....
the mane is IP man and Ip man II. that is a good movie

Language pair: English; Korean
Luis A M.
January 25, 2012

# Msgs: 4
Latest: February 5, 2012
hello everyone.....
i wanted to watch sad korean love story dramas or movies....any good movies....please suggest...

Language pair: English; Korean
tenzin k.
January 19, 2012

# Msgs: 4
Latest: February 5, 2012
hello everyone.....
i wanted to watch sad korean love story dramas or movies....any good movies....please suggest...

Language pair: English; Korean
tenzin k.
January 19, 2012

# Msgs: 9
Latest: June 2, 2012
Re:Re:Is anyone here watching Gossip Girl?
I like so much. Mt favourite character is Blair, she is marvelous.

Language pair: Japanese; English
Alla S.
January 18, 2012

# Msgs: 10
Latest: October 21, 2012
I had just watched a crummy independent horror movie called Teeth. I'll spare you the details but it had an unsettling premise

Language pair: English; French
John B.
January 11, 2012

# Msgs: 17
Latest: June 19, 2013
hello,nice to meet you because i have a penpal .i have learnt english for 7years but it 's bad of me, i can't speak well and write, listen too.

Language pair: English; French
Dang H.
December 28, 2011

# Msgs: 2
Latest: May 15, 2012
Wasabi (2001) with Jean Reno is okay but it's crazy as hell! Looks like a Japanese/French Movie.

Language pair: English; French
December 12, 2011

# Msgs: 17
Latest: June 19, 2013
Hi Madison,

There are lots of good French movies to see. I would recommend to you some of them, for instance, (but they are not recent movies):

directed by Francois Truffaut, "Farenheit 451", done in the 1960's, based on a Ray Bardbury's work. In a future the books are forbidden, and the firemen, instead of fighting the fire with water, what they do is to burn the books that are found in hands of the criminals (and the criminals are those who read books), science fiction;

Directed by Louis Malle, "Lucien Lacombe", done in the 1970's if I recall correctly, a young French guy who wants to improve his personal situation and becomes member of the collaborationists during the German invasion of France in the second world war,
Heavy drama;

Directed by Jean Luc Godard, "Alphaville", done in the 1960's, a very strange movie indeed, a private detective, by the way he is American, arrives to a strange city, could be considered science fiction or futuristic drama, and psycological too of course

Another one, this again by Francois Truffaut, L'enfant sauvage, done in the 1960's or beggining the 1970's I think, around the end of the XVIII century a child is found in the forest, he doesn't know to speak or to live in society, a learned doctor takes care of him and starts the education of the child. Drama, historical and psycological too I'd say,

well, enough for now I think, hope to be of help, you'l tell me if you decide to use any of them, good luck

Antonio (from Spain)

Language pair: English; French
Antonio G.
December 7, 2011

# Msgs: 17
Latest: June 19, 2013
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