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Language > Italian
Category > Seeking Partners

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Re:español - italiano & italiano-español
Hola, me llamo Ester,soy italiana y estudio español porque me gusta mucho. Podemos ayudarnos con nuestros idiomas si lo quieres.
Ciao, mi chiamo Ester, sono italiana e studio lo spagnolo perchè mi piace molto. Possiamo aiutarci con le nostre lingue se lo desideri.

Espero en una contestación.

Language pair: Spanish; Italian
Ester G.
November 25, 2011

# Msgs: 3
Latest: March 13, 2012
Re:Languge Exchange - Looking to Learn Italian
Hi Gemma,

I could really help you in learning Italian.sei lobera di contattarmi quando vuoi.
A presto.


Language pair: Italian; English
Franco C.
November 21, 2011

# Msgs: 2
Latest: November 21, 2011
Hello there! I am a new member looking for friends from other countries. I speak English well, a little German but would like to improve it, and very little Dutch but I do like these languages, the countries and their peoples a lot.

Language pair: Italian; English
November 17, 2011

# Msgs: 2
Latest: November 23, 2011
Languge Exchange - Looking to Learn Italian
Hello, I really want to practice my Italian. It would help to be able to email and communicate with someone in Italian. I can help anyone with their English. Thanks :-)

Language pair: Italian; English
Gemma P.
November 16, 2011

# Msgs: 2
Latest: November 21, 2011
Japanese looking for native English or Italian speakers
1.I am Japanese still learning english , I speak english but my pronounciation is japa- english.
So hope to find somebody correct both of pronounciation each other.
2. I just started leaning italiano:
I already traveled to Italy three time but always regret not speak italian.

If you want I will help your japanse .
Also hopefully to find somebody living in kyoto or Kansai .
Thanks! Grazie!

Language pair: English; Italian
November 15, 2011

# Msgs: 3
Latest: May 13, 2012
norwegian-italian / norsk-italiano
I'm an italian girl (20) and I'm searching for a norwegian native speaker who could help me in learning norwegian.
In exchange I can help you with italian (mothertongue), some french or just english (I study foreign languages at University)
You can visit my profile to contact me

Language pair: Norwegian; Italian
November 12, 2011

# Msgs: 1

Hi!!! I wanna improve my Italian and my English in exchange for Spanish.
I'm a woman, born in Seville, Andalucía(south of Spain).
I like music, sports(soccer,tennis, etc, travelling...

thank you!!

Language pair: Italian; English
Yoly d.
November 12, 2011

# Msgs: 1

Re:Exchange French/Italian
ciao, io sono italiana e mi piacerebbe riprendere e migliorare il mio francese, in cambio posso aiutarti con l'italiano. A presto!

Language pair: French; Italian
November 10, 2011

# Msgs: 2
Latest: November 10, 2011
Re:Looking to learn Italian or Mandarin Chinese
hello,i'm a chinese girl.i want to learn english.and i'm also not gold member.i can teach you chinese.i want to contact with you.

Language pair: Italian; Chinese, Mandarin
Áª À.
November 5, 2011

# Msgs: 2
Latest: November 5, 2011
Re:Italian anybody? Or really anything will do :D
Hey, I'm Italian and I can help you.
My English is quite good, but I want to learn more too! Why don't you send me an e-mail? We can start talking and helping each other.
I'm not a gold member so you have to write me first if we want to talk.
Thanks, bye bye :)

Language pair: Italian; English
October 21, 2011

# Msgs: 3
Latest: October 21, 2011
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