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Hello :)
I’m new here and I am looking for someone to do a language exchange with. I’m more than willing to teach American English (as there are different forms of English) to anyone who is willing to teach me Korean. I will admit I’be honestly never taught anyone English but I find that if someone is willing to put everything they’ve got into teaching someone their language and learning a new one (even though I honestly don’t know much any Korean) then it shouldn’t be too difficult and can be accomplished. It’s important to me to learn because I have Korean blood in me although I am not fully Korean (I’m actually quite the multiracial mutt) but I want to learn as much as I can about the heritages that I possess in my blood because I believe it’ll give me a sense of peace knowing who I am inside beyond my upbringing in America. And Korean is just a start for me for the journey of finding myself and where I belong in the world. Please help me if you can. I promise to do my best to learn with you :)

Language pair: English; 
Dejia H.
February 19, 2019

# Msgs: 1

Kansai Sunset
ロンドンから。 しばらく日本に住んでいた、またバルセロナや他の国に住んでいた。
あなたが愛するのが好きで笑うのが好きなら、そして旅行のための同じような情熱と、そして新しい文化と。 リラックスした質の高いひとときをお過ごしください。
From London. Living in Japan a while, also lived in Barcelona and other countries.
Involved in digital media and writing with a keen interest in film, music the arts, architecture and mountains.
If you're fun loving and like to laugh, and a similar passion for travel, and new cultures. Or appreciate relaxed, quality moments, then please get in touch.
Thanks for reading...

Language pair: English; Japanese

February 15, 2019

# Msgs: 1

Re:want to practice english
Hi I'm Victoria.I speak English but not not very well because my main language is Persian.I really like to learn new language I hope u can help me to learn Japanese.😊

Language pair: Japanese; English
February 15, 2019

# Msgs: 3
Latest: February 22, 2019
want to practice english
My name is Saki.I am Japanese.I think I will teach Japanese.I am interest in foreign culture.I cannot write english well,so I want to make friends with english speaker.

Language pair: Japanese; English
February 11, 2019

# Msgs: 3
Latest: February 22, 2019
How do I continue a Mandarin conversation?
I often get lost after greeting someone with the normal
你好 or
你好吗?I would love some tips on continuing Chinese conversations from a native speaker. Can you help me please? I would also love to help you learn more English! Thanks! (谢谢)

Language pair: English; Chinese, Mandarin
February 10, 2019

# Msgs: 1

Re:To learn English and teach persian
Hi. I can help you in learning and improving english and kindly help me in learning persian.. Thank you

Language pair: Persian (Farsi, Dari, Hazaragi); English
Zanab K.
February 7, 2019

# Msgs: 3
Latest: February 7, 2019
Re:is it possible to make a long-term friend here
Hi...nice message...would enjoy to share a cup of wine with you..to speak about life and culture...will go to China in April, and do have an still an open agenda...we could speak French, Spanish or English..looking for the authentic Chinese's cultures..kisses from Phil.... gemophil

Language pair: English; Chinese, Mandarin
Phil G.
February 2, 2019

# Msgs: 2
Latest: February 2, 2019
is it possible to make a long-term friend here
Hello,everyone.I'm Eve,26 years old.I've been learnt English for many years.And I'm looking for a partner to practice with me,meanwhile,I can help you with your Chinese if you're interested.More importantly,I am curious if it's possible I can make a long-term friend here,we can talk over our daily life and regard each other as a real friend in life.So,don't hesitate to contact me if you want to know more about me or my language.lol

Language pair: English; Chinese, Mandarin
Eve Y.
January 30, 2019

# Msgs: 2
Latest: February 2, 2019
Learn Hindi and Know about India
I am a journalist, writer, editor and translator and News presenter from New Delhi, India.
Anyone can contact me to learn Hindi. I can also teach you about Indian culture.

Language pair: Hebrew; English
January 29, 2019

# Msgs: 1

Re:I want to communicate with you.
Hello Kohei,


My name I Evan. I'm 30 years old, American, living in New Hampshire. I'm a Software developer for Southern New Hampshire University. I have been studying Japanese off and on for about 8 years now. Demo, jouzu ja arimasen! I am looking for a fluent pen-pal to help me improve, and I hope I can be of assistance too. I can read/write Hiragana, my Katakana is rusty, and I know very little Kanji, but I will try my best. Please feel free to reach out if you are able, as sadly I am not a gold member either! Sagasu!
All the best,

-Evan Lawrence

Language pair: Japanese; English
Evan L.
January 29, 2019

# Msgs: 5
Latest: January 29, 2019
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