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Category > Films/Movies

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Hi my name is Aaron I watch a lot of acton movies

Language pair: English; French
aaron m.
June 28, 2011

# Msgs: 17
Latest: June 19, 2013
Re:someone please tell me!
hi there nice to meet you

Language pair: English; Japanese
aaron m.
June 28, 2011

# Msgs: 8
Latest: April 9, 2012
Re:someone please tell me!
Hello! You should watch Pulp Fiction

Language pair: English; Japanese
Laurie C.
June 22, 2011

# Msgs: 8
Latest: April 9, 2012
someone please tell me!
Hi! I'm Nana, nice to meet you:)
I love movie, and I cannot decide which one should I see! I want to see all! So, please tell me the movie you recommend! It is seriously problem for me! so, please!!x(

Language pair: English; Japanese
June 11, 2011

# Msgs: 8
Latest: April 9, 2012
I saw the movie "La Strada" by Felliny.. very strong, highly recommend.. Dolce Vita, made by him too is amazing but strada is simpler and subjectively better..

Language pair: English; 
May 23, 2011

# Msgs: 1

Re:Russian films
Petra, I recommend famous movie "Stalker" ("Сталкер") by Tarkovsky. This is good movie about real life in USSR and in Russia now. It was made in USSR but in according of hard censorship it was masked like about a story in far foreign country. But peoples guessing that this movie about real life in our motherland.
Also I so recommended you all other Tarkovsky's movies: "Ivanov's childhood", "Solaris" and etc. It will help you to understand russian soul.

If you want fun movie then I recommend you "Ivan Vasilevich change profession" ("Иван Васильевич меняет профессию"). It's also famous old colorful movie from Soviet times but it started and ended in gray tones of black and white. I promise you guess why it... ;-)

Petra, if you contact me privately then I can recommend you some excellent modern russian movies.
I hope you understand me! ;-)

Language pair: Russian; English
May 21, 2011

# Msgs: 4
Latest: November 10, 2011
hi!I especially like movies made in italy and spain. I don't know a lot about french movie. I just know 'Amelie' which is known almost everyone.

Language pair: English; French
May 15, 2011

# Msgs: 17
Latest: June 19, 2013
hi Charlotte! i'm french too. in my turn i like the fantastic movies but too, the movies which bring a reflexion as philosophic that on life study. i like too the historic movies or which touch to actuality. my best movies are "Et aprés" according to a novel by G. Musso, a french autor, with J. Malcowich, R. Duris and E.Lilly. in addition, and recently i've seen a movie with K. Scott Thomas which name is " Elle s'appelait Sarah". i love the french cinematographic culture. as you, i've seen " Le mac" and i like it, but did you see "les petits mouchoirs" with J. Dujardin? bye

Language pair: English; 
May 7, 2011

# Msgs: 5
Latest: October 12, 2011
the agence
hello, my name is Quentin and i am french. i have rencently seen the movie wich name is "the agence" with as main actor: mat damon. what do you think about it, if you saw this movie? in my turn, i am thinking this movie is very well structuring and the producer demontrasted a very well imagination. i am waiting your feelings about it.

Language pair: English; 
May 6, 2011

# Msgs: 1

Hi. I'm Charlotte, I'm french.
What kind of movies do you like?
You know Man on fire (American-britanno-Mexican movie)?
Or Le mac (french movie)?
What French movie(s) do you know?

Language pair: English; 
April 29, 2011

# Msgs: 5
Latest: October 12, 2011
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